
Feb 28 2021


8:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Community Skating Night

The diplomatic consulate of Italy is pleased to announce a community skating night on Sunday the 28th of February at approximately 8 o’clock in the evening at the rink located just north of the fountain in Piazza Vecchia. Hot beverages and light snacks will be provided by the consulate for those attendees who will join us for the occasion. Come to enjoy the skating before the winter season ends, or simply to spectate the event together with our fellow community members. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. Any comments or questions regarding the event can be directed to Elle Amoretti Ariencieto.


What: Community Skating Night

When: Sunday, 28th Feb 1601, 8 pm

Where: Piazza Vecchia Fountain

Who: Invitation is open to all

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