A Discussion of Cou...
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A Discussion of Courtesy

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A Discussion Of Courtesy

As a newcomer to our glorious city, I thought it would be fascinating to learn about the views on Courtesy from the perception of others. This is one of the few places in the world where so many of us live together as a community even if we are not natives. Therefore I am sure there is more than one viewpoint when it comes to Courtesy and Etiquette. With that being said, I encourage each one of you to join me, Lacey Fraser, and the Mistress of Robes, Viscountess Emeraude as we take on various topics of decorum. Please be advised that it is in no way a lecture or class, I have no intention of telling others what to do or how to do it. I only hope we can deliver our opinions to each other in a calm and open-minded setting. Discussions like this will not only provide an opening to the minds of those you live with but perhaps it will also give you something to think about. I am eager to discover what you all believe and should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to let me know.

These gatherings will take place in the uppermost area of the local library. Drinks and finger foods will be provided and I will additionally bring books for those who wish to take notes. I will soon announce the first topic as well as its date. If anyone has a specific time that suits them, I ask you to inform me via courier and I will do my best to ensure the time chosen is suitable for everyone.


- Lacey Fraser
Royal Handmaiden to Her Majesty, Queen Mirielle Ricchezz

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Please be advised that the first gathering will commence on the 25th Day of April. We will begin at Nine in the Evening and wait up to ten minutes for latecomers. The first topic will be on greetings, both in person and missive greetings. All are invited to join and share their views.

- Lacey Fraser
Royal Handmaiden to Her Majesty, Queen Mirielle Ricchezz

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Just a reminder that this will commence this coming Saturday.

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The next discussion will commence on the 9th Day of May. We will begin at Nine in the Evening and wait up to ten minutes for latecomers. This topic will surrounding Disagreements With Grace and Etiquette For Debating. As always, this is an open discussion for open-minded individuals to share their opinions on this topic while listening to the ideas of others.

- Lacey Fraser
Royal Handmaiden to Her Majesty, Queen Mirielle Ricchezz

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My deepest apologies for those looking forward to this event. It will be held tomorrow instead if there is no other activity that evening.


OOC: Sorry guys, doing some rl things and didn't have the time to plan. I prefer having things planned out first.

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