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[Sticky] Chain of Command

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Royal Family
King of Italy: His Majesty Dominic di Ricchezza
Leader of the entire Italian state, highest in the Chain of Command.
Queen of Italy: Her Majesty Mirielle di Ricchezza
Queen Regent in the event of His Majesty’s demise, monarch of the entire Italian State.
Heirs to the Throne:
His Highness Prince Jacoba di Ricchezza
Heir apparent to the throne of Italy.
Princess Joliet di Ricchezza
Second in line to the throne in the event of His Highness’ demise.
Royal Household
Lord High Chancellor: Archduke Alonzo Fortini
Direct advisor to His Majesty, responsible for all day-to-day affairs within the city of Rinascita and beyond. Second only to His Majesty in most areas.
Grand Chamberlain: Marquis Eliseo di Farnese
Direct advisor to His Majesty and Archduke Fortini, royal advisor and retainer for His Majesty and the Archduke, second in Command to the Archduke and acts in his stead in his absence.
Mistress of the Chancery; Chief Justice: Margravine Emeraude di Farnese
Direct advisor to His Majesty and Archduke Fortini, royal advisor and retainer for His Majesty and the Archduke, second-in-command to the Archduke and acts in his stead in his absence if the Grand Chamberlain is unavailable.
Master of the Chancery; Royal Treasurer: Duke Cristiano di Farnese
Direct advisor to His Majesty and Archduke Fortini, royal advisor and retainer for His Majesty and the Archduke, second-in-command to the Archduke and acts in his stead in his absence if the Mistress of Chancery is unavailable.
Mistress of the Household: Margravine Kilana Corvasci
Direct advisor to Her Majesty as well as a retainer to Her Majesty. The Mistress of the Household is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of Her Majesty's household as well as supervising Her Majesty's Ladies-in-Waiting.
Royal Army and Royal Guard
High Field Marshal (Acting): Captain General Dario Altamura
Leader of the Royal Guard and Royal Army, reporting to Archduke Alonzo and His Majesty as part of the Council of Army Affairs. Key in establishing and exercising military responses in and around the Italian state as well as the organization of the Royal Guard wherever the Royal Family is in residence. Works in conjunction with Councilor of War.
Councilor of War: Captain General Cristiano di Farnese
The Councilor of War is responsible for advising the ruler and the governing authorities on matters related to defense, military strategy, and warfare in conjunction with the High Field Marshal.
Captain of the Royal Guard: Dame Selene Cosenza Lightheart
The local leader of the Royal Guard, reporting to Archduke Alonzo and the High Field Marshal as part of the Council of Army Affairs. Aids in establishing and exercising military responses in and around the city of Rinascita as well as the organization of the Royal Guard wherever the Royal Family is in residence.
Roman Catholic Church
Pope Benedict, Duke Gianluca Firenze Fortini
The supreme leader of the Holy Roman Catholic Church. God’s appointed leader of the Catholic peoples of all the nations.
Chief Advisor: Archbishop Roberto Alarenzo
Primary advisor and assistant to His Holiness Pope Benedict. Directly advises the primary liaison of the Catholic Church in Rinascita.
Primary Liaison in Rinascita: Sister Eloise Baptiste
Oversees the day to day affairs of the clergy in Rinascita as well as the orchestration of events and the perseverance of the Catholic way of life in the daily affairs of the people. Also responsible for charitable causes and organization of the clergy and support staff. Reports directly to the Advisor as needed.
Rinascita City Guard
Governor General: Marquis Aldo Baiocchi
Lead advisor of the City Guard forces throughout Italy, reporting directly to Archduke Fortini and His Majesty as part of the Council of Constable Affairs. Key in establishing laws, overseeing High Crime trials and exercising just and legal punishments according to His Majesty's laws and wishes.
Current Leader: Captain Selene Lightheart
Oversees the day-to-day affairs in the Rinascita City Guard, including the hiring and training of Constables, the arrest and prosecution of the accused, the keeping of the peace, and the organization of the chain of command within the local City Guard.


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Chain of Command
Imperial Family
Sovereign of Italy: Her Imperial Majesty Empress Mirielle di Ricchezza
Leader of the entire Italian state, highest in the Chain of Command.
Imperial Consort of Italy: Vacant
Regent in the event of the Imperial Majesty’s demise, monarch of the entire Realm.
Heirs to the Throne:
His Imperial Highness Crown Prince Jacoba di Ricchezza
Heir apparent to the throne of Italy.
Her Imperial Highness Princess Joliet di Ricchezza
Second in line to the throne in the event of His Imperial Highness’ demise.
His Imperial Highness Prince Jovani di Ricchezza
Third in line to the throne in the event of Her Imperial Highness’ demise.
Imperial Chancery and Nobility of the Imperial Court**
Lord High Chancellor: Grand Duke Alonzo Fortini
Direct advisor to Her Imperial Majesty, responsible for all day-to-day affairs within the city of Rinascita and beyond. Second only to Her Imperial Majesty in most areas.
Grand Chamberlain: Duke Eliseo di Farnese
Direct advisor to Her Imperial Majesty and Grand Duke Fortini, royal advisor and retainer for Her Imperial Majesty and the Grand Duke, second in Command to the Grand Duke and acts in his stead in his absence.
Mistress of the Chancery; Imperial Justice: Vacant
Direct advisor to Her Imperial Majesty and Grand Duke Fortini, Imperial advisor and retainer for Her Imperial Majesty and the Grand Duke, second-in-command to the Grand Duke and acts in his stead in his absence if the Grand Chamberlain is unavailable.
Master of the Chancery; Lord Steward: Marquess Giovanni Esposito
Direct advisor to Her Imperial Majesty and Grand Duke Fortini, Imperial advisor and retainer for Her Imperial Majesty and the Grand Duke, second-in-command to the Grand Duke and acts in his stead. Immediately responsible for the administration and management of Her Imperial Majesty's domestic affairs.
Master of the Chancery; Imperial Treasurer: Marquess Ezechiel Trivulzio
Responsible for managing the Imperial Treasury, overseeing the minting of coins, administering the Empress' lands and properties, and advising the Empress' on financial matters.
Grand Marshal: Captain General Dario Altamura, Marquess of Umbria
As the highest-ranking military officer, the Grand Marshal is responsible for the organization and command of the Imperial army while advising the Crown. The Grand Marshal oversees military campaigns, logistics, and the defense of the empire in conjucture with the High Commander.
Mistress of Her Imperial Majesty's Household: Marchioness Kilana Corvasci
Direct advisor to Her Imperial Majesty as well as retainer to Her Imperial Majesty. The Mistress of the Household is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of Her Imperial Majesty's household as well as supervising Her Imperial Majesty's Ladies-in-Waiting and acts in the stead of the Steward in his absence.
Crown Prosecutor: Countess Emiliana Borgia
*Due to the vacancy of an Imperial Justicar, the Crown Prosecutor will provide assistance to the Imperial Chancery until the position is filled.
**All Peers of Italian Nobility, specifically those holding the titles of Barons or higher, are regarded as members of the Imperial Court and are consequently expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the principles of nobility, humility, and humanitarianism. This entails exemplifying nobility through acts of honor, integrity, and benevolence; demonstrating humility by showing modesty, respect, and empathy towards others; and embodying humanitarianism through acts of compassion, service, and philanthropy.
Imperial Army and Imperial Guard
Commander of the Imperial Army: Captain General Semele Malatesta, Marchioness of Rimini
The High Commander has supreme command and authority over the entire army. They are responsible for strategic planning, coordinating military operations, and ensuring effective leadership and discipline throughout the forces under their command and report to Grand Duke Alonzo and the Crown.
Captain of the Imperial Guard: Marchioness Selene Esposito
Local leader of the Imperial Guard, reporting to Grand Duke Alonzo and the Imperial Commander as part of the Council of Army Affairs. Aids in establishing and exercising military responses in and around the city of Rinascita as well as the organization of the Imperial Guard wherever the Imperial Family is in residence.
Roman Catholic Church
Pope John Alexander II, Amadi Lopret
The head of the Roman Catholic Church and the successor of Saint Peter, one of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ. The Pope is considered Peter's successor in a direct line of authority on Earth.
Cardinal Secretary of State: Archbishop Benizio Armani
Directly responsible for handling the administrative and diplomatic affairs of the Catholic Church, the Cardinal Secretary of State is the foremost Cardinal above all others and acts as the chief advisor to the Pope.
Cardinal Archbishop of the Imperial City: Cardinal Archbishop Roberto Alarenzo
Acts as the Pope's representative in the Diocese of Rome and is responsible for the governance of the city and its surroundings should the Pope require. Reports directly to the Cardinal Secretary as needed.
Abbess General: Mother Abbess Simonetta Lombardi
Oversees and governs multiple convents within the religious institute. The Abbess General's responsibilities encompass the coordination, administration, and spiritual guidance of the affiliated communities. Reports directly to the Archdiocese.
Rinascita City Guard
Captain of the City Guard: Duke Willieam Hughes
Lead advisor of the City Guard forces throughout Italy, reporting directly to the Crown of Italy. Key in establishing laws, overseeing High Crime trials and exercising just and legal punishments according to the laws of the nation.
University of Rinascita
Dean: Duchess Persephone di Giordio
Lead advisor of the university in charge of all educational paths, funding, and organization of both students and professional staff.
*** Note that the Chain of Command will grow as more positions become available.
