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Accepting Applications: Royal Guard

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Due to the recurring recent attacks against our citizens and guests residing in Rinascita, His Majesty seeks additional reinforcements to be added to the Royal Guard. Applicants must be highly skilled in martial combat, both in offensive and defensive maneuvers. Preference will be given to neither weapon of choice nor country of origin.

All applicants are to submit five items of documentation:

1.) A letter from the applicant stating why he or she wishes to join the Royal Guard.
2.) A detailed report of health, including complete medical history, from a qualified medic. A simple statement attesting to the applicant's physical fitness for the position will be discarded.
3.) Three letters of recommendation attesting to the applicant's character and ability. Letters of recommendation are to be sealed and sent directly to myself by the recommender, not the applicant. Letters received from the applicant will be discarded.

The first two items are to be placed in a folder and sent to me, Count Jean-Frédéric de Marigny [OOC: Frederic through the post office]. Interviews will be held as completed applications are received.

Applications must be in my hands by the 30th day of April in the year of our Lord 1600.

Inquiries, comments, and/or concerns may also be directed to me via missive or in person.

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*brought to the fore by a helpful page boy* 

Lady Emeraude di Farnese, Landgrave of Genoa
Mistress of Robes to the Queen of Italy
Reeve of the Italian Consulate

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[shuffled to the fore]
