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I am new to this town, and am interested in working as a seamstress and Weaver.


Is there a place of employment for such that I may become apart of here?


Thank you.


Estimable Member
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Posts: 150

Welcome tae Rinascita, Tamm! Fer questions aboot bein' a seamstress, I'd suggest askin' Miss Orla, or Baroness Tara. If'n ye dinnae see either o' them oot an' aboot, ye kin allus send one or baith o' them a letter. Fer weavin', I ken there be a shop on t' East side o' taown wha' sells weavin' supplies. "Warp an' Weft" be t' name. I look for'ard tae meetin' ye in person! We kin allus use gud seamstresses an' weavers in thi' taown, an' gud folk, alsae. 'Specially friends; thase be reel important in these times o' trouble we been havin'. Ye take care, naow, an' dinnae walk aboot alone at night, 'specially daown by t' docks, unless ye be armed an' ye ken well how tae fight. We're good folk in thi' city, an' we'll help ye find yer way, dinnae worry. Welcome agin!

Margrat Maclean

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I shall,


Thank you Miss MaClean for all your help

Carolyn de Mercer
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I would be interested in taking an apprentice in the art of weaving, as it has been awhile since I've had one. I am with the Sew You Can Sew guild, please write to me, Carolyn de Mercer if you are interested in joining the guild for lessons. I am a master weaver and seamstress.


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I am interested, and am now a member of the SoYouCanSew Guild as well.

But time is a little scare for me at the moment.

I shall keep you in mind when I am free enough to do so

OOC: Storypoints need to be built up, and I'll soon be called back to the IRS to do my duty for the Country.


