Royal Court - May 1...
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Royal Court - May 1600

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The night started pleasant enough, with all the key players one would expect and then some. High Constable Aldo, Queen Liza of England,Duke Peirot, Duke Salazar and  Duke Wilhelm all were able to make it to court.  Of note from the consulates, Ambassadors Margrat, Lord Trevyn and Sir Savion and Countess Emmaline were present. As well medics Persephone and Genvieve.

King Dominic started with one of his engaging speeches welcoming us all to court.  He noted that he would hear petitions first before moving on to any important announcements.  Queen Mirielle paused His Majesty to note she would like to welcome her brother Duke Peirot as he had important announcement on behalf of the Royal Crown of France.

Duke Peirot started off by respectfully genuflecting and note that he brought promises from his King and Queen.  He then proceeded to note that France remained dedicated to their Alliance and he came bearing proof of his gratitude.  He said the Royal Crown of France note only promise of double our negotiated trade returns but also a proposal of Prince Guillame to Princess Joilet so that she might one day become Queen of France. King Dominic noted that they would discuss such a lovely offer at another time. 

King Dominic then started the petitions by calling Queen Liza of England to the dias.  She gave her respect and thanks for both the finery and hospitality of the nation.  She noted that while particulars would need to be discussed in further detail later she wished safe use of southern waters to travel to and from her newly acquired lands in India.  She offered ten percent up front but then revealed she'd be here at least a week in order to negotiate  as needed.  King Dominic then noted the German advisor Duke Wilhelm who did not have a petition but was much pleased for the welcome. 

Next up for petitions was Dame Ava of the German consulate.  King Dominic called her to the Dias to present her petition.  Dame Ava presented her idea of a safe play area for the children of the city.  She thought the idea might improve the lives of the children and encourage togetherness of the nations.  While His Majesty did no understand some of the things Dame Ava mentioned he did promise that his craftsmen would furnish as many swings around the city's green space as possible.

This then concluded the petitions for court.  King Dominic then proceeded with announcements he had waiting.  He had recalled Head Chief Constable Aldo back into town.  He first wish to thank Ambassador Margrat and the Grand Chamberlain for bringing to his attention the Citadel's stolen Cross.  He also brought from the Tribunal the most recent Laws and Edicts of the Land.  He took it upon himself to post a copy in each library, on the public boards and in the courthouse and jail. 

King Dominic also announced that his guards would be making one final sweep of the land outside the gates but that they would be opening shortly and reminded everyone that the Royal Hunt would be hosted next Sunday and all that were welcome to join.  He then thanked everyone for coming and concluded this session of Court.  For any further information please reach out to those that were in attendance. 
