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Royal Retainer Hours - Mistress of the Robes

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Those with business for Her Royal Majesty or the Mistress of Robes, Lady Emeraude, are invited to attend an audience at 9 o'clock in the evening on Friday, the 15th of May. The audience will be located in the office east of the palace entrance. Precedence will be given in order of rank as time permits.

Lady Emeraude di Farnese, Landgrave of Genoa
Mistress of Robes to the Queen of Italy
Reeve of the Italian Consulate

Thalia reacted
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The Audience will be held at 8 o'clock in the evening, Friday the 15th May 1600.

Lady Emeraude di Farnese, Landgrave of Genoa
Mistress of Robes to the Queen of Italy
Reeve of the Italian Consulate

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This is now, east of the palace entrance then southwest.

Lady Emeraude di Farnese, Landgrave of Genoa
Mistress of Robes to the Queen of Italy
Reeve of the Italian Consulate

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  Description Royal Retainer Hours for those with business for Her Royal Majesty or the Mistress of the Robes, Lady Emeraude, are invited to attend provided that they are in good standing with the Crown. Precedence will be given in order of rank as time permits.
  Hosted By Lady Emeraude
  Event Type royal retainer hours
  Date Friday, the nineteenth day of June, year 1600
  Time 09:00pm
  Location Royal Retainer Administration Office (East of Palace Entrance)

Lady Emeraude di Farnese, Landgrave of Genoa
Mistress of Robes to the Queen of Italy
Reeve of the Italian Consulate

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*Brought to the fore*

Lady Emeraude di Farnese, Landgrave of Genoa
Mistress of Robes to the Queen of Italy
Reeve of the Italian Consulate

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Let it be known that High Constable Aldo will be making a public announcement during this hour. All are encouraged to attend. Location and time remain at 9 o'clock in the evening in the Retainer Administration Office.

Lady Emeraude di Farnese, Landgrave of Genoa
Mistress of Robes to the Queen of Italy
Reeve of the Italian Consulate
