The Warmth of Cloth...
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The Warmth of Cloth and Food Donation Drive

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The Winter of 1602 has gripped Rinascita with the chill of snow. While many of us are blessed with solid roofs and the crackle of a fireplace, there are numerous individuals unable to enjoy such amenities. The Italian Consulate has a strong interest in seeing that these poor souls are cared for, and is organizing a Donation Drive in partnership with the Saint Christopher's Soup Kitchen. This Donation Drive will consist of two parts, each designed to benefit our city across all spheres of influence and societal position:


First, we are encouraging everyone to search through their closets for unused articles of clothing to donate to the less fortunate. We also are setting up a fund for new clothiers. To those who are interested in learning the trade, to help supplement the current drop in the number of tailors and seamstresses in Rinascita, we will fully fund your first four lessons, under the stipulation that all training pieces created in your training are donated to the needy. (Documentation of training fees and a minimum number of donated pieces will be required.)

Second, food. Starting immediately, a hunt is open in the countryside! Donations of game will be accepted, to be butchered and prepared by the Soup Kitchen. This two-fold measure will keep the Kitchen running through the winter, and will address the overabundance of animals, many dangerous, in the wilds. In order to encourage participation in the hunt, all medical care for individuals injured during the hunt period will be covered by the Italian Consulate. Everyone is encouraged to gather in hunting parties for their safety. Individual hunts will be organized and announced throughout the next few weeks.


On Friday, December 30, at the conclusion of the Warmth of Cloth and Food Donation Drive, we will present a dinner, utilizing a small portion of the donated game, to celebrate everyone's contributions and ring in the coming New Year!


Merry Christmas to all, and happy hunting!



Please write to Sir Faust with any inquiries regarding any portion of this event.
