Wedding of Landon C...
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Wedding of Landon Campion and Elizabeth Bounceton

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Wedding of Landon Campion and Elizabeth Bounceton

I, Landon Campion, am pleased to announce the Wedding of myself to Elizabeth Bounceton!

It will take place at Arcibasilica di Nostra Signora (OOC: The Cathedral) at 9:00 PM (OOC: Remember ingame time is Eastern Time) on April 11th, 1601. All are welcome to attend!

The After Party will be held at the Grand Salon after the Wedding Service.

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*A hastily-tacked piece of paper*


     Please forgive the sparse details, but the information seems to have passed through many hands. There is a Miss Maclean who wishes Doctor Beth to know that word of the engagement of Miss Beth and Mister Landon has reached her ears. Miss Maclean also wants Doctor Beth to know that she is making every possible attempt to make it to Rinascita in time for the wedding, but that she is unsure if that will be possible. Miss Maclean offers her warmest congratulations in the event that she is unable to give them in person.

                                                             ~Confused hired handyman


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Posts: 150

Well, it was lovely to pop in. I was thinking of moving back here for a while, but I had a run-in with a Protestant hunter. Seems the Pope hasn't forgotten me, and there's a price on my head. Some folks are just itching to see me burn. I'm glad I made it for your wedding, Beth, and got to see Toddia and Poe, my friends, but this will be the last goodbye.

                                    Goodnight and joy be with you all.

                                     Margrat o' Clan Maclean
