How do -you- pronou...
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How do -you- pronounce?

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Okay!  So - I was talking with someone earlier about how likely it is that I am butchering -everyones- name.  So I thought it'd be fun to see how we pronounce our own names and how we pronounce other peoples. 


Thalia - ThA-lee-a


Emeraude ( I -know- this is wrong) Em-ee-rude

Landon - Lan-done

Margrat - Mar-great

Alonzo - Al-Lon-Zoe

Maena - Me-Na

Orla - Or-la (<.<)

Matteo - Ma-Tah-Oh

Kilana - Kill-Anna

Samir - Sah-Meer

Frederic - Jah-en



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This is nifty!

Emeraude di Notte: Em-er-odd di No-tay. Which means "emerald of/at night".

For reference, you could search actress Emeraude Toubia for pronunciation. 

Lady Emeraude di Farnese, Landgrave of Genoa
Mistress of Robes to the Queen of Italy
Reeve of the Italian Consulate

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Cool! Fun idea for a thread.

Margrat - MAr-graht.

Emeraude - Em-air-ode (it's going to take me a while to adjust, lol.)

Trevyn - TrEhv-in.

Valeria - Vuhl-Air-ee-uh.

Heinrich - HIne-rick.

Genvieve - Zhen-vee-Ehve (French pronunciation.)

Maena - MAy-nuh.

Matteo - Mat-tAy-oh.

Tara - TAir-uh.

Samir - Suh-mEEr.

Persephone - Per-sEhf-uh-nee.

Thalia - ThAl-ee-uh.

Orla - Or-luh.

Landon - LAn-dun.

Kilana - Kill-Ah-nuh.

Jean - ZhEn (French pronunciation.)

Alonzo - Uhl-On-zoe.

Bjorn - ByOrn.

Waylon - WAy-lon.

Beth - Beth (lol).

Emmaline - Em-uh-leen.

Nicolas - NIck-oh-lahs.

Arafel - Air-uh-fehl.

Toddia - TOdd-ee-uh.

That's enough for now, lol.

Thalia reacted
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Beth is obvious lol. These are ones that I am unsure if I pronounce right.

Maena: Main-uh

Matteo: Mat-tea-oh

Samir: Sam-ear

Toddia: Todd-ee-uh

Santiago: San-tea-ah-go

Orla: Or-luh

Kjell: K-yell

Levison: Leh-vee-son

That's all I can think of for now! 

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Kjell is pronounced sort of like Chell/Shell, but we don't have the exact Kj sound in English.

Beth, Thalia, Margrat_Maclean and 1 people reacted
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I've always pronounced Emmaline "EHM-ə-lien" (ie as in "bite" or "mind").

Lady Emeraude di Farnese, Landgrave of Genoa
Mistress of Robes to the Queen of Italy
Reeve of the Italian Consulate
