I haz a sad. =(
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I haz a sad. =(

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The date that the English Toga party has been moved to, 3/6/1600, is a date that I almost certainly cannot make. I will be going out of town that weekend for a lyric writing workshop and get-together with friends. I was super, super excited about the toga party. I understand that Arafel is trying to accomodate as many people as possible, so I understand if I have to miss out. I just wanted to express my sadness, because I was really, really looking forward to the party.

Arafel Belator
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Would the weekend prior work for you? I want to make sure you can attend

Just call me Hobbles

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Awwww! Yes, the prior weekend would be fine for me, as would pretty much any weeknight. However, I thought that a lot of people couldn't make it the prior weekend. As much as I want to be able to go, it wouldn't be fair to pick a time that excludes a lot of people just so I could make it. I will be out of town for a good bit of March. I will have a lot of prepping to do, as it's a camping trip, so I probably won't be on much if at all from March 6th-22nd. I am honored that you really want Margrat to be able to attend the toga party. I hope you can find a time that works for the majority and also allows me to make it! =)

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Sorry, I got distracted. The 28th works fine for me! Thank you so much! =D
