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Overhauling Tamm

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Recent events in game have made me realize that Tamm isn't even remotely ready to be a Seamstress.  So for the time being, she will be seeking out exspanding her abilities there and in Weaving, Assessment, Dye and Color making--and Customer Service.

Seriously, I am learning how to deal with setbacks in a more mature manner without screaming and crying


Tamm's Player


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Posts: 2

Hey there! 

I just wanted to chime in quick with some reassuring words. I know it can be frustrating OOC but everyone starts out somewhere and the systems in game take time to learn and develop a comfort level with. 

I am sure that someone familiar with the system would be happy to help walk you through how to work with it and if all else fails, you can check the help files or reach out to staff. 

Remember, IC is IC and OOC is OOC and if Dio's response IC bothered you OOC at all, know that it wasn't my intention and please feel free to hit me up with an OOC scroll in game so we can work through it privately. 

Otherwise, keep your chin up and enjoy telling your character's story while you work out how to use the systems and learn the skills needed!



Dio's Player 

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I don't recall.


Tamm's player

