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Allegory of Empires Account Tiers

3 Posts
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StoryHostess Admin
Joined: 5 years ago
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Allegory of Empires Account Tiers



We will continue to offer a free account option using the current structure that has been established. You will be able to play one character in AoE and will be able to accept promotions up to the thane level. 


BASIC - $5

Basic accounts will still have the benefit of three character slots. Additionally, basic accounts can accept promotions up to the baron level. 



Premium account holders will continue to receive 50 STPs per month as well as access to five character slots. In addition, premium accounts will be able to accept promotions up to the marquess level.



StoryHostess Admin
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 142
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Updated Account Tier Perks


We have updated the number of LPs that can be generated by characters to reflect the differences between account tiers. Idleness is taken into account so to earn the points, you must maintain activity. Every account tier earns 4 LPs per day as a baseline, regardless of whether you log in or not.  


FREE accounts will earn a maximum of 8 LPs a day with 4 earned as a baseline and 2 earned for every half hour of play.

BASIC accounts will earn a maximum of 16 LPs a day with 4 earned as a baseline and 4 earned for every half hour of play. 

PREMIUM accounts will earn a maximum of 24 LPs a day with 4 earned as a baseline and 6 earned for every half hour of play. 


StoryHostess Admin
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 142
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Players are allowed to maintain more than one paid account with AoE. You can transfer your characters from one paid account to another paid account for an STP price of 50 per transfer. The STPs must come from the account the character is being transferred FROM. You may purchase STPs on both accounts, but STPs earned or purchased on one account must be used for that account and cannot be transferred or combined on the other account. PLEASE NOTE: characters that were created with STP purchased rank slots must remain on the account to which the rank slot is assigned. Players are still allowed to shelve their ranked characters to utilize the slot without deleting the character. You can unshelve the ranked character for 50 STPs, but you must have the rank slot empty on the account before returning the ranked character to the roster. Rank earned after the purchase of the starting rank is not affected by shelving or unshelving the character. 


All alt abuse and crossover rules will apply to all characters on every account and you may only play one free account per IP address. Trial account abuse is also against the rules and those found to be abusing the ability to make numerous trial accounts will be restricted to one account indefinitely.

