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Patrons, Proteges, and the Favor System

1 Posts
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Due to imbalances observed by both staff and players in the favor system, we will be eliminating the 50% favor point discount associated with the patron-protege relationship. As the system stands right now, consulates/nationalities with at least one high ranking character are at a disproportionate advantage in quickly progressing through the promotion system, while those without a high ranking member are at a significant disadvantage. In order to level the playing field, the discount will be removed from the system after the favor point system rolls over on May 17th.

We understand that this may not be a popular decision with all of our players, but we want to balance the system as much as possible for everyone, even those who want to play characters in the smaller consulates. When and if we can find a way to implement a patron bonus that rewards engagement and active roleplay, we may consider bringing it back.
