Storypoint Options
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[Sticky] Storypoint Options

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StoryHostess Admin
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We will continue to add to this list as items are determined. Prices are subject to change at the discretion of staff. If you have a request you don't see listed here, please assist with a thorough explanation of what you are looking for. If you are placing an order for something on the list, please use the @storypoint command.


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StoryHostess Admin
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  • Simple Modifications - 30 stps per word
  • Pets (cats and dogs) - 100 stps for generic, 150 stps for customized
  • Mounts - 150 stps for generic, 200 stps for customized
  • Pregnancy/Baby Props - 200+ stps, includes stomach mods and generic baby prop, price increases for customization, terms and conditions apply, please assist for more information
  • Custom Items - 200+ stps, terms and conditions apply, price increases with complexity and special features/abilities


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  • Custom Nickname: 10 storypoints
  • Custom Title: 100 storypoints



  • Custom Pets/Mounts: A pet/mount is considered customized if any aspect of the animal is selected by the player aside from the name. Customizations include breed, color, and body shape (where applicable). Wild animals and wild animal hybrids are not permitted as pets. Baby animals are not available at this time.
  • Custom Titles: Class-/skill-related titles (ex: Doctor) require a minimum of 20 levels in a class-related skill.

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Custom voices and gaits are 30 storypoints per word. You can have multiple of each, which can be toggled on and off with @voice and @gait, respectively.

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The material type for raw materials (wood, fabric, metal, etc.) can be changed for 60 storypoints for like to like, i.e. basic to basic or luxury to luxury, and 150 storypoints for basic to luxury. The distinction between basic and luxury is at staff discretion. Storypoints cannot be used to modify raw materials to any of the consulate import options. We will not be prorating the storypoint cost for incomplete quantities (ex: a bolt of fabric with 8 yards on it), so please select your raw materials carefully. Lastly, blacksmith metal rods cannot be changed into fine jewelry metals due to the fact that bars can be made from them.

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Going forward, we will no longer be allowing duplicate body mods without consent from the character who has the mod already. This includes basic body mods that aren't available in the character generator, identical scars, and identical tattoos.

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Ranked character slots can be purchased up to and including the rank of knight.

Gentry: 250 storypoints

Armigerous Gentry: 500 storypoints

Knight: 750 storypoints


  • The noble character slot must be purchased before the character is created. Rank will not be retroactively applied to existing characters.
  • The slot will remain on your account even if you delete the ranked character, so you will have the option to remake a new ranked character. Any additional rank gained through the @favor system will not carry over to new ranked characters, i.e. if you purchase a gentry slot and get promoted to a baron, you will not be able to make another baron.

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Livestock (pigs, goats, and sheep) are 50 storypoints for a generic animal and 100 storypoints for a custom animal. As with the pets and mounts, an animal is considered custom if any trait, i.e. build, color, and/or breed, is selected by the player.

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Additional character slots can be purchased for 500 storypoints.

Note: Free and regular accounts only have access to 1 and 3 characters, respectively. Premium accounts have access to the full roster and all extra slots. In the event that you downgrade your account type, the additional characters will remain on your roster, but will be frozen.

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Modifications requiring a longer description will be 50 storypoints going forward. This includes custom tattoos, scars, hairstyles, and scents.

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Custom room mini maps can be purchased for any player-owned rooms (consulate rooms, apartments, farm houses, et cetera). Pricing starts at 50 storypoints per room, which includes all major furniture such as beds, couches, wardrobes, chairs, and so on. Additional costs may be incurred based on the complexity of the map at my discretion. Revisions to the map will also incur a cost of 25+ storypoints based on complexity. Please assist for more information.

StoryHostess Admin
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Given names and appearances like PCs, these adult NPC props come equipped with some controls to make life easy (smile, wave, curtsy, bow, good morning, et cetera) and you will be able to use freemotes for the rest. It's generally advisable to parse freemotes as you would read regular emotes on the screen for consistency and flow.

Some ground rules: If the prop commits a crime, the owner gets charged as an accessory, so be careful who you trust as a friend. Do not use prop freemoting to break the scene, or otherwise disturb, harass, bother, et cetera. It is advisable that you make everyone you give access to the prop an overview of the character's personality, behavior, backstory, and guidance on what you do and do not want them to do in public.

We encourage you to add as much life into the NPC as possible, having them take part in conversations, events, have a personality, et cetera. Treat them as though they are living breathing characters because they are.

Nitty-gritty - sometimes you will have to suspend realism to pick the thing up and put it somewhere or empty the inventory just like child props. Try to keep that offscreen to preserve the immersion of the game for other players. (IE: please don't put full-grown adult people in your bag where other people can see it.) Take some time to practice with the props so you get the hang of the controls and freemoting. Evokes (spoken statements) in freemoting are a little clunky but you'll get the hang of it sooner or later! And most of all, enjoy!!


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- Alternative Marriage Name Changes: 50 STPs

To accommodate the storylines that involve marriage outside the immediate game world Catholic Church, we are offering the ability to have a woman take a man's name through alternative marriage options. These options include but are not limited to off-screen marriages that take place in an outside location, Protestant marriages, marriages to NPC props, common law marriages, et cetera. As applicable, both parties must assist with the consent for this name change and we can deny the request at our discretion. ALL of the rules for marriage still apply, including no divorce, still apply. To incentivize the socially accepted process, those PCs who follow the standard procedure in game via courtship, engagement, marriage license application, and official wedding with a VP officiant will NOT have to pay the STP cost for the name change. 



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Backstory Items

Backstory items are available for 50 storypoints. Items at this price point must be things that can be made within the scope of the existing crafting system without any customizations such as engravings, embroideries, or other add-ons including beads, studs, fittings, etc. These items will default to “average” quality with the option to upgrade the quality for 10 storypoints per level. Additional adjectives (ex: a dusty red leather tome) will be subject to regular storypoint pricing for basic modifications, i.e. 30 storypoints per word, in addition to the base cost of 50 storypoints for the item. Backstory items are limited to materials available from the NPCs found throughout the game valued at no more than 25 florins per unit (based on the NPC’s price). Your character will not be charged the in-game material costs.

We are also offering a discounted rate of 10 storypoints for signed documents, including scrolls. These signatures may only come from “minor” backstory, off-screen characters (ex: your ex-girlfriend or your brother), not any other characters who already exist in the game. Signed documents will not be considered official documents on behalf of the Crown, the Church, a foreign nation, or any other established entity within the game, with the exception of backstory or off-screen Catholic marriage licenses. You will be responsible for drafting the content of the document yourself, and we as staff reserve the right to make edits to or reject the document.


Note #1: The distinction between backstory items and custom items is at the discretion of staff. This is not intended as a way to bypass custom item pricing. If you have any questions, please @assist before submitting your @storypoint request. As a general rule of thumb, if the item requires any changes outside of the crafting system not addressed above, such as overrides to the look and/or examine or the item is not available through the crafting system, i.e. plants, pets, mounts, etc., the applicable higher item pricing will apply.

Note #2: Backstory items can be purchased at any time. You are not required to purchase these items prior to leaving your character’s room for the first time.



Temporary Basic Modifications

Temporary basic modifications are available for 15 storypoints per word (ex: a bruised left arm). These modifications include bruises, scratches, cuts, and anything else that would realistically disappear over time. This does not include an additional, longer description added to the look and/or examine of the body part. They can be placed on any body part that allows for modifications but will be removed after two weeks. If you would like to have the modification removed sooner, please @assist. Modifications removed before the two-week mark will not receive a prorated refund/discount for the storypoint cost incurred. For temporary modifications, submit your @storypoint request with a brief description of how it occurred (ex: I’d like a bruised right arm because a mugger punched me while I was walking through a bad area of town). Requests without the description will be automatically discarded without follow-up from staff and no modification will be given. We don’t need your life story and please be honest; in-character deviation from your provided reason may be partially or completely retconned at staff discretion or may be otherwise subject to in-character ramifications.


Note #1: Temporary modifications that reflect injuries will function outside of the healing system, i.e. you will not be able to have a healer tend to these injuries, they will not be bandageable, and they will not heal themselves over time. We will not update the wording of the temporary modification to reflect any roleplay that occurs, such as updating bruised to bandaged, without additional storypoint costs. If you’d prefer to have an injury that can be tended to and healed, we recommend contacting another player with the appropriate combat skills to injure you using the existing combat system.

Note #2: Temporary modifications will be added as staff availability permits. We will do our best to accommodate these requests in a prompt and timely fashion, but we cannot make any guarantees that temporary modifications resulting from in-game roleplay will be handled immediately. For modifications occurring outside of in-game interactions, we recommend waiting for the modification to be added to your character prior to engaging in any roleplay that may arise related to the modification, such as in the event of an injury.

Note #3: Temporary modifications, especially in the case of injuries, that arise from out-of-game (a.k.a. bluebooked or BBed) occurrences (ex: your character is attacked by muggers) are considered to be related to player-run plots. Staff will not provide any additional support for these occurrences beyond the addition and removal of the temporary modification(s) as part of this storypoint purchase; this includes the bluebooking of interactions between your character(s) and non-PC staff characters (the royal family, staff-run plot characters, any sort of official representative of a nation or the Church, etc.). Also, bear in mind that your character may be subject to in-game ramifications for any claims made as a result of player-run plots. When in doubt, please @assist. We are always happy to provide direction and clarification for player-run plot questions.


Reminder: There are in-game avenues for injuries and items that may be less expensive or free to you. We recommend reaching out to other players, even if the communication is strictly out-of-character (OOC), to see what your in-game options are. If the item or injury is the result of an OOC agreement between two players, it must remain OOC, i.e. if John agrees to bruise your nose to back your story that you were attacked by a mugger or Clara makes you a scarf from your backstory, neither player or character involved can later claim any of the actions were in-character in any capacity (we recommend keeping logs or other in-game documentation if you have any concerns). If you choose to pursue this route, be aware that all alt interaction rules apply even if everything is handled OOC, i.e. you may not order an item from your alt unless all other in-game avenues for acquiring the item have been exhausted. In the case of OOC orders for items requiring any exchange of money, the items must be paid for by the character the item is intended for. If you have any questions, please @assist.

StoryHostess Admin
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Players are allowed to maintain more than one paid account with AoE. You can transfer your characters from one paid account to another paid account for an STP price of 50 per transfer. The STPs must come from the account the character is being transferred FROM. You may purchase STPs on both accounts, but STPs earned or purchased on one account must be used for that account and cannot be transferred or combined on the other account. PLEASE NOTE: characters that were created with STP purchased rank slots must remain on the account to which the rank slot is assigned. Players are still allowed to shelve their ranked characters to utilize the slot without deleting the character. You can unshelve the ranked character for 50 STPs, but you must have the rank slot empty on the account before returning the ranked character to the roster. Rank earned after the purchase of the starting rank is not affected by shelving or unshelving the character. 


All alt abuse and crossover rules will apply to all characters on every account and you may only play one free account per IP address. Trial account abuse is also against the rules and those found to be abusing the ability to make numerous trial accounts will be restricted to one account indefinitely.


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