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al Zahiri Foundry

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I'm pleased to announce the official opening of the Rinascita branch of al Zahiri Foundry. Originating from Málaga, Spain, our family has been crafting exceptional metal goods for five generations with a keen eye for design and quality materials. This posting will be updated as new materials are acquired. Please direct all inquiries to Idris al Zahiri.


Polgara reacted
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The pricing reflected below is per foot. Please note that steel and limited quantity metal orders requiring five or more feet require a 50% deposit which is non-refundable after the order has been started.


2 Florins

3 Florins

4 Florins
hammered copper, mottled copper, oxidized copper, variegated copper, verdigris copper

5 Florins
bronze, burnished tin, darkened tin, matte tin, reflective tin, thin tin, iron

10 Florins
brass, blackened bronze, burnished bronze, lustrous bronze, polished bronze, reddish bronze, textured bronze, pewter

15 Florins
red brass, cast iron, wrought iron

25 Florins
dark pewter, patinated pewter, polished pewter, silvered pewter, soft pewter

40 Florins


Limited Quantities: 50 Florins

blackened crucible steel, exceptional, 5 feet
blued hardened steel, unsurpassed, 13 feet
blued hardened steel, exceptional, 7 feet
blued hardened steel, magnificent, 10 feet
bright hammered brass, unsurpassed, 10 feet
bright polished brass, magnificent, 10 feet
bronzed hardened steel, unsurpassed, 20 feet
bronzed hardened steel, exceptional, 20 feet
dark hammered pewter, magnificent, 10 feet
dark hammered pewter, exceptional, 10 feet
dark striated bronze, magnificent, 7.5 feet
dusky antique pewter, exceptional, 10 feet
dusky hardened steel, unsurpassed, 10 feet
dusky hardened steel, magnificent, 10 feet
golden polished brass, magnificent, 10 feet
golden reflective brass, exceptional, 10 feet
grey hardened steel, unsurpassed, 30 feet
grey hardened steel, magnificent, 10 feet
grey-and-black polished steel, magnificent, 10 feet
gunmetal grey wootz steel, magnificent, 10 feet
gunmetal grey wootz steel, unsurpassed, 10 feet
lustrous antique pewter, unsurpassed, 10 feet
lustrous brushed pewter, exceptional, 10 feet
lustrous damascus steel, exceptional, 10 feet
lustrous oiled bronze, unsurpassed, 10 feet
lustrous shiny brass, exceptional, 10 feet
lustrous striated bronze, unsurpassed, 10 feet
matte blackened pewter, unsurpassed, 10 feet
matte blackened pewter, exceptional, 10 feet
matte brushed pewter, magnificent, 10 feet
matte hammered brass, unsurpassed, 10 feet
matte steel, exceptional, 10 feet
nearly-black wootz steel, unsurpassed, 10 feet
pale shiny brass, magnificent, 10 feet
polished hammered pewter, exceptional, 10 feet
pristine white polished steel, exceptional, 12 feet
red-hued matte steel, unsurpassed, 10 feet
rosy reflective pewter, unsurpassed, 20 feet
rosy reflective pewter, magnificent, 10 feet
shadowed brushed pewter, unsurpassed, 10 feet
shadowy hardened steel, unsurpassed, 30 feet
shadowy hardened steel, magnificent, 10 feet
shiny crucible steel, unsurpassed, 10 feet
shiny oiled bronze, magnificent, 20 feet
silvered hammered brass, unsurpassed, 10 feet
silvered hammered brass, magnificent, 10 feet
silvery hammered bronze, unsurpassed, 10 feet
silvery polished steel, exceptional, 4 feet
silvery wootz steel, unsurpassed, 10 feet
silvery wootz steel, magnificent, 10 feet
smoky crucible steel, unsurpassed, 10 feet
smoky crucible steel, exceptional, 7 feet
smoky crucible steel, magnificent, 10 feet
smoky matte brass, unsurpassed, 10 feet
variegated matte bronze, magnificent, 10 feet
variegated reflective brass, exceptional, 10 feet
white reflective pewter, unsurpassed, 10 feet

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Plate Armor

Required quantity of metal in feet specified in parentheses beside each item.

ailettes (2), bases (5), besagews (1), bevor (3), bracers (2), breastplate (4), couters (1), cuirass (6), cuisses (3), culet (4), fauld (5), gauntlets (2), gorget (3), greaves (4), pauldrons (3), poleyns (2), rerebraces (4), rondel (1), sabatons (4), schynbalds (2), spaulders (3), tassets (4), vambraces (4)


3 Feet

armet, barbute, bascinet, burgonet, capeline, cervelliere, heaume, helmet (basic), hounskull, kettle hat, morion, sallet, spangenhelm


Required quantity of metal in feet specified in parentheses beside each item.

chainmail (5), lorica (2)



5 Feet

buckler, heater, kite, shield (basic), tower




3 Feet, Requires Haft (2 Feet)

axe (basic), francisca, lochaber, double-bladed battle, single-bladed battle


3 Feet, Requires Hilt (2 Feet)

dagger (basic), dirk, ear, gauche, kris, misericorde, poniard, rondel, swordbreaker, trident


3 Feet, Requires Haft (2 Feet)

aspergillum, flanged, mace (basic), maul, shillelagh, warhammer


3 Feet, Requires Haft (2 Feet)

broad-bladed, craoiseach, gae bolga, harpoon, hewing, javelin, leaf-bladed, spear (basic)


3 Feet, Requires Hilt (2 Feet)

arming, back, blunt, claymore, cutlass, estoc, foil, long, rapier, sabre, scimitar, short, side, small, sword (basic), zweihander

Hafts & Hilts

2 Feet, Requires Weaponhead or Blade (3 Feet)

bar guard, basket, bell guard, crossguard, haft (basic), hilt (basic), swept


Required quantity of metal in feet specified in parentheses beside each item.

arrowhead (0.5), back scabbard (5), chain whip (3), dagger sheath (3), halberd (4), knuckledusters (3), scabbard (5), stiletto (2)



Accessories & Notions

Required quantity of metal in feet specified in parentheses beside each item.

bead (0.5), buckle (1), button (0.5), chastity belt (2), chatelaine (0.5), codpiece (1), hairpin (0.5), hatpin (0.5), spikes (0.5), studs (0.5), tacks (0.5)


Farm Equipment

Required quantity of metal in feet specified in parentheses beside each item.

bucket (1), cultivator (4), curry comb (2), garden rake (3), hedge shears (3), horseshoe (1), horseshoes (2), pitchfork (3), push hoe (3), sheep shears (1), spade (3), transplanting trowel (1), watering can (1.5), wheelbarrow (5)



Required quantity of metal in feet specified in parentheses beside each item.

altar candelabra (2), ash tray (1), basin (2), bowl (1), brazier (3), candelabra (3), chalice (1), chamber pot (2), fire pit (5), fire brush (2), fire guard (3), fire poker (1), fire shovel (2), fire tongs (2), flask (2), floor candelabra (4), flower (1), fork (1), frying pan (3), goblet (2), mortar (1), pestle (1), pitcher (3), plate (1), potbelly stove (6), rose (1), sconce (1), serving tray (2), soaking tub (7), spice rack (3), spittoon (2), spoon (1), stock pot (3), tea kettle (4), trophy (3), vase (2) wood stove (6)



Required quantity of metal in feet specified in parentheses beside each item.

blunt hook (0.5), bone lever (1), chisel (1), comb (1), die (0.5), drawknife (2.5), embossing stylus (0.5), file (1), forceps (2), froe (2), gimlet (1), gun rack (3), hairbrush (2), metal locker (6), nail (0.5), needle (0.5), pea whistle (1), pickaxe (3), polishing machine (5), , saw (2.5), scalpel (1), scissors (1), sharp hook (0.5),spatula probe (1), straight razor (0.5), surgical scissors (1), tacks (0.5), tailor pin (0.5), trephine (2), tweezers (1), vise (3)

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(brought forward)

I will be offering a 5% discount on all orders through December 25th to those who mention this posting with their order.
