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Miscellany Services by Whyte's and Co

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Miscellany Services Available

Gardening Services - We are pleased to provide the following gardening services for those of the city and beyond.

  • Basic Tending - All plants will be watered and pruned daily to ensure their quality and health. Contracts available: 4 florins per diem as needed, 40 florins for a two-week daily schedule, or 75 florins for a four-week daily schedule. 
  • Advanced Care - All plants will be watered, pruned, and fertilized daily to ensure flourishing quality and health. Contracts available: 6 florins per diem as needed, 75 florins for a two-week daily schedule, or 125 florins for a four-week daily schedule. 

Farm Services - We are also proud to offer the following aid to those who are raising livestock and other animals.

  • Basic Farm Services- Animals will be fed and watered daily with materials provided by the owner, includes a basic health check. Contracts available: 5 florins per diem as needed, 60 florins for a two-week daily schedule, 100 florins for a four-week daily schedule. 
  • Advanced Farm Services - Animals will be fed and watered daily with materials purchased by Whyte's. Includes a daily health check, exercising as needed, and gathering eggs, milk, and wool as needed. Please note, buckets and barrels for milk must be provided by the owner. Contracts available: 10 florins per diem as needed, 125 florins for a two-week daily schedule, 250 florins for a four-week daily schedule.

Please note, due to the inherent risk involved in tending to plots outside the city limits, an additional surcharge is placed on all services in the amount of 10 florins per week of services rendered. Per diem services are available for those who will be traveling and need short term care of their gardens or livestock. All contracts are to be paid upfront at the time of arrangement.


May God keep you happy and hale, 

Sergeant Miles Kingsley

Whyte's Tailoring and Co


