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Premade Outfits

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I have a few premade outfits I would like to be rid of, so I will be doing a mini auction. I will accept bids through the courier, though if someone wishes to purchase it for the full price listed, please send a note along with the number you wish. All outfits come with free embroidery and of course free fittings as always. 



1.) Starting Bid: 250 - Full Price: 500 Florins

[a soft lilac damask clutch bag, a silk-trimmed soft lilac damask ropa, a snowdrop white faille ribbon-laced blouse, a pair of snowdrop white serge cinched pants, a feathered silk-trimmed soft lilac damask beret, a silvery-grey silk camisole, a pair of silvery-grey silk short bloomers, a silvery-grey leather braided belt, a pair of silvery-grey leather calf-high boots, a snowdrop white faille handkerchief, a snowdrop white faille cravat, a silvery-grey leather short-vested bodice]
2.) Starting Bid: 400 - Full Price: 800 Florins
[a gold damask purse, a fiery nacarat kersey earasaid, a fiery nacarat kersey balmoral hat, an alencon lace-trimmed ruffled golden apricot taffeta kirtle, a pair of glittering snow white alencon lace thigh-high stockings, a pair of glittering snow white alencon lace formal gloves, a pair of golden apricot taffeta heeled shoes, a gold damask garter belt, a gold damask girdle belt, a pair of gold damask ribbon garters, a gold damask choker, a glittering snow white sheer silk camisole, a pair of glittering snow white sheer silk short bloomers and a glittering snow white sheer silk tie-neck partlet.]
3.) Starting Bid: 225 - Full Price: 450 Florins
[a pair of argent silk thigh-high stockings, an iridescent black damask girdle belt, an iridescent black damask choker, an argent silk handkerchief, an argent-dusted aubergine kersey tam o'shanter, an iridescent black damask v-cut bodice, an argent silk cinched-sleeved blouse, an argent-dusted aubergine kersey ankle-length kilt, a pair of argent silk short bloomers, an iridescent black damask garter belt, a pair of iridescent black damask ribbon garters, a pair of iridescent black damask heeled shoes and an iridescent black damask purse.]
4.) Starting Bid: 500 - Full Price: 1000 Florins
[a shadowy silver damask parasol, an ivory sheer silk handkerchief, an ivory watered silk bell farthingale, an ivory watered silk purse, a pair of ivory sheer silk formal gloves, a silvery cerulean velvet brocade gigot-sleeve gown, a shadowy silver damask garter belt, a pair of shadowy silver damask ribbon garters, a pair of silvery cerulean velvet brocade heeled shoes, an ivory watered silk camisole, a pair of ivory watered silk short bloomers and a pair of ivory sheer silk thigh-high stockings.]
1.) Starting Bid: 375 - Full Price: 750 Florins
[a golden champagne leather pouch, a white smoke silk poet shirt, a pair of golden champagne crushed velvet culottes, a pastel blue damask justaucorps jacket, a pastel blue damask waistcoat, a golden champagne leather belt, a pair of golden champagne leather latchet shoes, a pair of white smoke silk hose, a pair of white smoke silk braies and a feathered pastel blue damask beret.]
2.) Starting Bid: 250 Florins - Full Price: 500 Florins
[a feathered misty-grey damask beret, a pair of misty-grey damask hanging sleeves, a sparkling lavender blush dupion handkerchief, a sparkling lavender blush dupion ruffled shirt, a pair of misty-grey damask latchet shoes, a misty-grey damask pouch, a misty-grey damask short-sleeved doublet, a pair of pristine white sheer silk hose, a sparkling lavender blush dupion sword cape, a pair of pristine white sheer silk braies, a pair of misty-grey damask canions]
3.) Starting Bid: 225 Florins - Full Price: 450
[an iridescent black leather pouch, an argent-dusted aubergine kersey glengarry hat, an iridescent black leather cross-breasted jerkin, a silk-lined argent-dusted aubergine kersey hooded buckle jacket, a pair of iridescent black leather knee-high boots, an iridescent black leather double-wrap belt, an argent silk short-sleeved shirt, a pair of argent silk braies, a pair of argent-dusted aubergine kersey pants]
4.) Starting Bid: 400 Florins - Full Price: 800 Florins
[a gold damask sporran, a pair of glittering snow white sheer silk braies, a golden apricot taffeta waistcoat, a pair of golden apricot taffeta gartanes, a fiery nacarat kersey balmoral hat, a glittering snow white sheer silk ruffled shirt, a pair of glittering snow white sheer silk knee-high stockings, a fiery nacarat kersey kilt, a fiery nacarat kersey ascot, a gold damask short coat, a pair of gold damask dress shoes, a gold damask braided belt ]
5.) Starting Bid: 275 Florins - Final Price: 550 Florins
[a bronzed bisque serge pouch, a frosted evergreen challis almaizar, a coffee brown leather burnous, a serge-trimmed frosted evergreen challis buckled tunic, a coffee brown leather belt, a pair of coffee brown leather knee-high boots, a pair of bronzed bisque serge pants, a pair of cream sheer silk braies and a cream sheer silk undertunic.]
6.) Starting Bid: 250 Florins - Full Price: 500 Florins
[an ivory watered silk pouch, a silvery cerulean velvet brocade codpiece, a silvery cerulean velvet peascod doublet, a pair of silvery cerulean velvet brocade greguescos, a shadowy silver damask wide-brimmed hat, an angora-trimmed shadowy silver damask thigh-length cloak, a pair of shadowy silver damask dress shoes, a pair of ivory sheer silk braies, a pair of ivory sheer silk hose and an ivory watered silk ruffled shirt.]
