Active Member
Joined: Apr 5, 2020
Last seen: Aug 25, 2020
Topics: 0 / Replies: 8
RE: Martial PvP

Yikes! I'm so sorry, Ava. I honestly wasn't speaking about you at all and I'm pretty much in the dark about whatever happened in the last few months b...

4 years ago
RE: Martial PvP

Addition: What happened to duels of honor? I know they are technically illegal but so is murder. If you have beef with someone, challenging them to ...

4 years ago
RE: Martial PvP

As someone who has been in and out of the game for about a decade, I can definitely say I have put a lot of thought into my own character's demise. An...

4 years ago
RE: Leaving

Take care, Ava. A break every once in awhile is healthy. Hope to see you back among us some day.

4 years ago
RE: What's the deal with freemoting?

Just to throw my two cents onto the pile... I love this! For over a decade, I have played several Skotos games that did not allow freemoting and for...

4 years ago
5 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 817
5 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 1395
RE: Protestant service today at 3pm

As a constable of the Rinascita City Guard and a law-abiding citizen, it is my obligation to inform you that holding Protestant services is in direct ...

5 years ago