Last seen: Aug 25, 2020
Yikes! I'm so sorry, Ava. I honestly wasn't speaking about you at all and I'm pretty much in the dark about whatever happened in the last few months b...
Addition: What happened to duels of honor? I know they are technically illegal but so is murder. If you have beef with someone, challenging them to ...
As someone who has been in and out of the game for about a decade, I can definitely say I have put a lot of thought into my own character's demise. An...
Take care, Ava. A break every once in awhile is healthy. Hope to see you back among us some day.
Just to throw my two cents onto the pile... I love this! For over a decade, I have played several Skotos games that did not allow freemoting and for...
As a constable of the Rinascita City Guard and a law-abiding citizen, it is my obligation to inform you that holding Protestant services is in direct ...