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Memento Mori Masquerade Ball

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On behalf of the French and Italian Consulate, Mistress Emeraude and I are proud to announce the Memento Mori Masquerade Ball. 

This Ball will commence on the 29th Day of October at the tolling of the Ninth Bell. It will take place inside the Grand Salon's Ballroom. It is our hope you join us for an eerie evening with fabulous foods and entertainment. 

It is encouraged that all who join don a mask and or costume. Costumes should be ordered weeks in advance to allow crafters time to prepare all orders. For those unaware, Mister Miles and Miss Valeria are available for clothing orders. Misters Bruno, Gus, and Miss Katherina are available for jewelry orders. Throughout the Ball, we will be watching for the best costume of the evening. The winner will walk away with five hundred florins, so do your best to outdo your best. 

In the upcoming weeks, there will be chances to win three pre-made costumes for the Ball. However, please be advised that these costumes are not eligible for the best costume contest. For more information on this, keep an eye upon this posting. If you have any questions, please direct them to myself via courier.

~ J'Orla Couture

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Contest #1:

The first contest for the Ball is short stories! Let me add emphasis to -short-. I do not want a twenty-page book on a tale you created because I will not read it. For those unaware, a short story usually consists of three thousand to five thousand words. Your story does not have to be as long as three thousand words, but it should at least make sense. The theme of this contest is monsters! Create a tale about a fictional monster you love or hate. It can be done in various ways, to give an idea, your story could be from the perspective of the monster. Whatever you write will be fine, but make it scary and sensible! I feel like I shouldn't have to mention this, but the story should be suitable for the general audience. Blood and gore are acceptable to a degree, but I will not tolerate sexual themes and or abuse. Keep it fun, thanks!

The winner will receive a free costume of their choosing, a new fancy book, and I will allow their tale to be shared at the Ball. The due date for this contest is the seventeenth of October. Should I get no entries, I will donate a costume to the person of our choosing. '

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This social has been moved to Sunday on the 1st, same time. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.

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I would like to announce and congratulate Charisma for winning the first contest! You may contact Orla Couture for your prizes.

Contest #2:

The second contest consists of creating your own creepy creatures. To clarify, you are being asked to create a new creature that to your knowledge has not already been made. You are allowed to take things from current fictional creatures, but yours should be original and detailed. I want to know what your creature looks like, sounds like, smells like, and their background. When I say background, I mean you should include how they came to be, what their abilities are, and how they gained these abilities. You may also include anything else that feels relevant.

The person with the best creation will have their creature embroidered on a tapestry of their choosing that will be displayed at the Ball and will have a free costume created. The due date for this contest is the twenty-fourth of October. Should I get no entries, I will donate a costume to the person of our choosing.

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Reminder that this second contest is due date is the 24th!

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It was really hard to choose a winner because they were all really well done in their on way. However, I have chosen one. The winner is Persephone!!!! You may contact Orla Couture for your prizes. Just because I liked the others, all who entered will get a hundred florins.

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The third and final contest will be a contest of riddles. All submissions are to be sent to Lady Emeraude with the name of the participant as well exact time and date submitted. Any submissions lacking any of these three things will not be considered as an entry. You must answer each riddle for your entry to be counted. I will be excepting submissions until 10 o'clock in the morning Saturday, October 31st. Please do not respond to these riddles on the public boards as not to ruin it for those wishing to participate.

Riddle 1:

What can bring back the dead; make you cry, make you laugh, make you young; is born in an instant, yet lasts a lifetime?

Riddle 2:

As small as your thumb, I am light in the air. You may hear me before you see me, but trust that I’m here. What am I?

Riddle 3:

What is always old and sometimes new; never sad, sometimes blue; never empty, but sometimes full; never pushes, always pulls?


Bonus Riddle for a special prize:

What word in the English language does the following: the first two letters signify a male, the first three letters signify a female, the first four letters signify a great, while the entire world signifies a great woman. What is the word? 


Best of luck to all who participate!

Lady Emeraude di Farnese, Landgrave of Genoa
Mistress of Robes to the Queen of Italy
Reeve of the Italian Consulate

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For those who arrive early, head east of the ballroom to join Doctor Persephone for some fun and interesting tarot card reading!
