Missing Person Noti...
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Missing Person Notice:

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Attention Citizens of His Majesty;

It is my unfortunate duty to inform you that on the morning of October 18th 1603, the body of an unidentified young woman (henceforth referred to as Jane Doe) was found near the hospital. The following is her most recent description;

Jane Doe;

Approximate age: 18-25 years old

Height/build: diminutive; buxom

Hair length/color: shoulder-length; blonde

Eye shape/color: almond; deep blue

Jane Doe was dressed in plain travel clothes and only carried the tools of a bookbinder on her person. If you have any information that may lead to identification of this young woman, please immediately write to Captain Selene Cosenza.


In Service to the Crown of Italy,

Selene Cosenza, Captain of the City Guard

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Anyone with information regarding the recently deceased individuals listed below, please contact me or a member of the City Guard at your earliest convenience. Furthermore, any next of kin or close friends/family members who desire to be involved in final arrangements are encouraged to reach out as soon as possible. 

Hatasha Barsamian

Edwin Richter

Sonia Reyes

Darlene McBharrias

Trevyn Adalhard


Those deceased who are not claimed by a legally documented next of kin will have their personal effects surrendered to the state to cover the costs of interment in the public graveyard.  
