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Scottish Highland Games and Homelands Fundraiser

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Come and toss some cabers, throw some horseshoes, and try your luck at the climbing tower and the cherry pie plate! It's time for Highland Games, hosted with the help and support of the Spanish Consulate! Much delicious Scottish food and drink will be served amid the festivities in the lovely back garden of the Scottish Embassy. Entry to the event per each person is a freewill donation, the total of which will be split among all of the Embassies in order to support the people of their home countries who are in need. Bring your kilts and bagpipes, or if you don't have those, your sense of fun and fellowship! We hope to see you all there!

Date: Saturday, September 19th.

Time: 8 o' clock in the evening til 10 o' clock in the evening, or until interest wanes. (OOC: Game time.)

Location: The back garden of the Scottish Embassy manor.

Attire: If you're keen to try all the games, then wear something you can climb a rope tower in! Otherwise, feel free to put on your finery.

Cost: Free! Freewill donations being accepted at the gate by those who choose to donate. Donations will be split equally between the Consulates for the purpose of supporting people in need in each Embassy's homeland.

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*neatly repinned*

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*shuffled to the fore*

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This is this evening at 8 o' clock at the Scottish Embassy! I hope to see many of you there!

(OOC: 8pm Game time.)

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~Announcing the results of the Highland Games Homelands Fundraiser!~

     We had three extremely generous donors for the Highland Games Homelands Fundraiser.

     First was the French Consulate, who also very graciously declined to accept their share of the funds raised, saying that they preferred the money to go to where it was more needed.

Second was the Italian Consulate who also donated very generously.

Third was a surprise donor: The Brotherhood.

     The Brotherhood are a group of people who want better lives for their families here in Rinascita. They are unfortunately often mistaken for the assassin group called Peace, but the two groups are not the same at all. Peace uses murder and arson to attempt to achieve their ends. The Brotherhood does no such thing. When asked what could be done for the Brotherhood in return for their very generous donation, they responded by asking that we help to spread the knowledge that Peace and the Brotherhood are two distinct and separate groups. I have done my best to do so here, to honor the Brotherhood. They have given generously to help the poor living in other countries as well as here, even though they are often misunderstood by the people of this city, which is their home.

     All together, the amount raised was no less than seven thousand (7,000) florins. Divided evenly between the consulates of Italy, Spain, England, Germany and Scotland, this amounted to fourteen hundred florins (1,400) per Consulate. The money will be used by the consulates to help the poor in their home countries, and by the Italian Consulate to help the poor here in Italy.

     Thank you very much to the generous donors, and to the Spanish Consulate and the Brains and Brawn Champions Guild, who helped to host the event and make it a success!

The Scottish Consulate will be hosting more events, one of them coming up in October, so keep an eye on the calendar and the public boards. We hope you will join us for more food, fun, fellowship and friends!


     Margrat of Clan Maclean

     Ambassador of the Scottish Consulate

Toddia reacted