The Season of Good ...
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The Season of Good Will

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StoryHostess Admin
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Writ on this, the 3rd day of November in the year of our Lord 1599;


His most Royal Majesty, King Dominic Ricchezza, hearby declares that the Season of Good Will is upon us!

Beginning on the forthcoming Friday and lasting for approximately one weeks time, King Dominic will so very graciously host a number of events to celebrate this season and foster the good will between Nations and people alike.


Announcements will be made with the specifics of each event and gathering to take place throughout this festive season. 


On behalf of the Royal office;

Lord Mikhael Cordyn


StoryHostess Admin
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We have begun to add events to the itinerary to celebrate the Season of Good Will! These are subject to change. Should you or your authorizing agency also wish to celebrate with a structured event, please write to me to have your events listed among the others. 
On behalf of His Royal Majesty;
Lord Mikhael Cordyn
The Grand Processional - Sunday, November 10th, 1599, 9 o’clock in the evening
Starting at Via d’Acqua, a processional will gather amid the merry tunes of the Roaming Minstrels and travel through the streets to share Good Will to every corner of the city! Join the fun as we traverse the streets together. Hot chocolate and light snacks provided at the Piazza Vecchia fountain at the conclusion of the processional. 
The Feast of the Nations - Sunday, November 17th, 1599, 9 o’clock in the evening
Let us come together at the Royal Palace for a grand feast celebrating the Good Will of the Nations and People. Food, drink and entertainment will be graciously provided by His Royal Majesty King Dominic. Please note, no weapons or bags will be permitted in the Royal Banquet Hall during the occasion for the peace of mind of everyone enjoying the festivities. 
Throughout the week; specific dates and times to be announced
Roaming Minstrels will be stationed at the Piazza Vecchia fountain to share songs from across the continent. 
The gathering hall on Piazza Vecchia has been opened and stocked with various items to provide a neutral and comfortable location for discussions, audience hours and gatherings to discuss anything of note. 



StoryHostess Admin
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On Friday the 15th of November at approximately 2 o’clock in the afternoon, Duke Archibald Hughes, Royal Advisor to the Queen of England, will arrive in Rinascita to make himself available for a meeting and audience hours at the English Consulate. All with business to attend with the Consulate are encouraged to attend either the private meeting or open audience hours. Those who cannot attend should write their business to the Duke prior to this time. 


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  • On Monday, the 11th of November at 9 o’clock, Duke Wilhem von Karlstadt will be available for general audience hours at the Consulate of the German Kingdom. The Royal Advisor to the King of Germany will be available for approximately one hours time, otherwise please send a missive to discussion any topics requiring additional consideration. 
  • On Tuesday, the 12th of November at 9 o’clock, the French Royal Advisor Archduke Pierot du Mensonge will be at the French Consulate to discuss matters pertaining to the nation of France. 
  • On Wednesday, the 13th of November at around 9 o’clock, Duke Willieam Hughes, Royal Advisor to the Queen Regent of Scotland will be available to discuss matters at the Scottish Consulate. 
  • On Thursday, the 14th of November, Duchess Yasmin Flores will arrive around 9 o’clock to meet with the Spanish Consulate and further discuss any issues pertaining to the nation of Spain. 
  • On Friday, the 15th of November, Archduke Alonzo Fortini, the King’s Own Royal Advisor, will be available for discussions pertaining to the Kingdom of Italy at around 9 o’clock.




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On Saturday, the 16th of November at approximately 12 o’clock, Patriarch Mattissimo, the advisor to Pope Fontaine Fortini of the Holy Roman Catholic Church will perform a Blessing Upon The People followed by an audience hour and chance to give confession at the Abbey. 


StoryHostess Admin
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A reminder for the Feast tomorrow evening;

Please do not bring any food or drink to the Palace. 
Do not bring any weapons or bags, they will be confiscated and we cannot guarantee their return. 
While attendance is open to all, please be aware that the Royal Guard reserves the right to turn anyone away or ask individuals to leave should they prove disruptive or dangerous to the evening’s festivities. 

His Highness looks forward to the evening of feasting, camaraderie and merrymaking to celebrate the joyous season of Good Will. Please assemble in the courtyard of the Citadel before 9 o’clock to ensure the process is smooth and effortless.  

