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Posted by: @jean-frederic

Ava defers to Genvieve surely, "I'm sure Gen has seen plenty of testicles since they're are so many large ones in France."

The really embarrassing thing was mixing up "there" and "they're"

Mixing up "tentacle" and "testicle" is far more forgivable. 

"One hairdresser does not an olive branch make" -Archduke Alonzo

Genvieve de Martinique
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 Holy crap, that was funny! 

Morven reacted
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> Toddia says, "This is to be Ava and Arafel's house once they are married."
> Arafel shows an engraved light blue brocade and mahogany couch, "I built that."
> You examine an engraved light blue brocade and mahogany couch.
> You admire an engraved light blue brocade and mahogany couch, "Oh, tha' be champion, i' be! Ava be sae lucky tae have a man like ye, Arafel."
admire couch "Oh, tha' be champion, i' be! Ava be sae lucky tae have a man like ye, Arafel.
> Toddia nods at your words.
> Arafel grins, "Yes but she has to put up with my peg hoarding."
> You laugh.
> Arafel grins wider, "I have a whole shoe rack with them."
> Toddia smiles at Arafel.
> You grin at Arafel, "I'll have tae convince her tae take oop hoardin' summat, sae tha' t' tae of ye kin be even!"
> Arafel chuckles at you.
> Toddia grins at you naively, "I'm sure she'll collect cats. There will be pussys lined up wall to wall here."
> You widen your wide-set grey eyes.
> You guffaw.
> You clear your throat.
> Arafel laughs.
> You say chucklingly, "Aye, I'm shoor!"
> Margrat keeps Toddia innocent.
> Arafel tells Toddia, "She has a habit of wanting more pussy cats. I may have to chase a few around."
> You cackle at Arafel's words.
> You joke to Arafel laughingly, "Jus' as lang as ye dinnae bring any o' 'em home!"
> You chuckle.
> Toddia tells Arafel, "You be nice to Ava's pussys. Otherwise you'll make them mean."
> You snort.
> You gigglesnort.
> You chortle.
> Arafel grins to Toddia, "I plan on loving all of them to the highest of my capacity."
> You laugh helplessly, "Och, stop i', I cannae take i' anymair!"
> Arafel chuckles.
> Toddia nods to Arafel, "You better. You don't want them to turn on you. When you bend over to them, they'll hiss and spit at ya."
> Arafel hears Toddia, "Well I hope not."
> Toddia nods to Arafel, "Probably claw you too if you poke them too much."

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I don't get it, what is funny about loving cats? 

Oh, I found Ava's new theme song btw, it's all about cats.



"One hairdresser does not an olive branch make" -Archduke Alonzo

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OOC -- Arafel says, "Sigh smoking cbd is like drinking o'douls"

"One hairdresser does not an olive branch make" -Archduke Alonzo

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A stooped elderly man briefly coughs into his handkerchief, sitting back with a soft groan.

You say OOC: "Oh, my gosh, it's the plague! We're all gonna die!"

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Hatasha screams.
Hatasha leaves the world.

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A short sylphlike woman taps her manicured nails against the counter in pure boredom.
> Viscountess Tara stands up.
> Viscountess Tara says to a short sylphlike woman, "That is it!!! Now the nails are coming off!!!"
> Liras whoops at Viscountess Tara.
> Liras punishingly gazes at a short sylphlike woman.
> Viscountess Tara goes after the short sylphlike woman with her scissors clicking.
> Dieter says, "Tara.. no no no, use a scalpel."
> Dieter considers, "Or a jeweler's knife?"
> Viscountess Tara catches the short sylphlike woman and the woman begins to scream, "HELP HELP I'M BEING REPRESSED!!!!!
> Viscountess Tara grunts, "Silly woman!"

"One hairdresser does not an olive branch make" -Archduke Alonzo

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Vintenar Samir lowers his head reverently, "Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them."
> Thalia reaches her right hand and her orange to the high altar wordlessly.
> Viscountess Tara arrives through an ornate pair of doors leading northwest.
> A hulking dark brown mastiff arrives through an ornate pair of doors leading northwest.
> You bow your head.
> Thalia lowers her orange to the high altar carefully.
> Vintenar Samir intones softly, "May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace."
> Vintenar Samir concludes thusly, "Amen."
> Thalia puts an orange on the high altar gently.
> Viscountess Tara says, "Amen."
> You echo, "Amen."
> Thalia repeats softly, "Amen."
> Thalia gazes at an orange quietly.
> Vintenar Samir lifts his head anew.
> Thalia murmurs to an orange regretfully, "Happy Birthday Cory."
> Thalia dips her head fleetingly.
> Vintenar Samir echoes Thalia whisperingly, "Happy birthday."
> You sigh, "Aye; Many Happy Returns, Cory. May yer soul rest in peace."
> Viscountess Tara prays softly.
> A hulking dark brown mastiff takes an orange.
> Viscountess Tara peeks at Vintenar Samir, Thalia and you.
> OOC -- Vintenar Samir says, "I'm dying"
> OOC -- Thalia says, "Omg"
> OOC -- Viscountess Tara says, "Sorry I can not control that at all"
> A hulking dark brown mastiff swallows its orange.
> OOC -- Thalia says, "I cant stop laughing and im in the middle of work"
> OOC -- Vintenar Samir says, "I'm crying. That is too good"
> OOC -- You say, "Nooooo!! Lol."
> OOC -- Viscountess Tara says, "Hay maybe the dog is the reincarnation of Cory"
> OOC -- Vintenar Samir says, "We can assume though, that Tara would not let the dog do that"
> OOC -- You say, " Okay. Okay. Nobody panic. There's nine more on that tree!"
> OOC -- Thalia says, "Oh. My."
> A hulking dark brown mastiff moves from an ornate pair of doors leading northwest to Viscountess Tara.
> A hulking dark brown mastiff trots to Viscountess Tara.
> OOC -- Thalia says to Viscountess Tara, "If you pick him up and we get another does he still eat it?"

Arafel Belator
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Talking about the Toga Party and edited for clarity

OOC -- Ava says, I'm just going to watch animal house 3 times in a row and call it good.""
> OOC -- You say, "^ Need to watch that one again too"
OOC -- Dieter says, "Ava, I hereby dub thee.. FLOUNDER"
OOC -- Ava says, "Can we put a horse inside the consulate for no reason? We don't have to kill it like in the movie."
 OOC -- You say, "Yes!!!! We need to put it in the office and give Toddia Arafel's musket"
OOC -- Ava says, "Lmfao"

Just call me Hobbles

Ava and Toddia reacted
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Lady Morven slants her gaze somewhat at you, "And while my husband likes to go and swim in the icy water, I cannot imagine that you would enjoy it."
Valeria shivers at Lady Morven's words, "Icy cold..."
You wince at Lady Morven's words theatrically, "I don't mind the cold but that is far too cold."
Lady Morven reminds Valeria, "Viking."
You worry for your nipples frozenly.
You adjust your silk-trimmed baby blue faux fur sideless surcoat warmly.

"One hairdresser does not an olive branch make" -Archduke Alonzo

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You smile at Thalia, "Thank ye, Miss Thalia. Tha's reel kind o' ye."
Chief Constable Matteo allows you to crack him.
You move from a cream damask and pearwood chaise to Chief Constable Matteo.
You crack Chief Constable Matteo's charismatic smile.
OOC -- You say, "Oops XD"
Thalia winks at you good-naturedly, "Its what I'm good at. Listening."
OOC -- Thalia says, "Don't break other player's toys!"
OOC -- You say, "I hope that didn't inflict an injury!"
You smile at Thalia, "Ah, boot, be ye gud at keepin' secrets, lass?"
OOC -- Thalia says, "Don't look like it"
Thalia curves her rosebud lips at you, "That'd be telling now, wouldn't it?"
You cock your head at Thalia, "... Nae. ... Nae, keepin' secrets means tha' ye dinnae tell."
Thalia giggles at you, "I was teasing. I meant if I told you I kept secrets then you would know and that'd be telling."
You grin slowly at Thalia, "Och! Ha! I see."

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You now-and-then pose with a white limestone sculpture of a petite, elegantly-shaped woman.

Thalia giggles at you, "Stop it! You can't stab out his eye."
You grin to Thalia, "No fun."
Thalia crooks her rosebud lips at you, "You have to at least see what he says."
You say, "and I can stab him if I don't like it?"
Thalia bargains with you, "You can...kick him? In the shin?"
You say, "I'll consider your offer."
You whisper to a white limestone sculpture of a petite, elegantly-shaped woman, "We're totally going to stab him."
Thalia pauses.
Thalia stares at you and a white limestone sculpture of a petite, elegantly-shaped woman.
Dame Persephone oddly sees you, "Oh, God."
Thalia worries to Dame Persephone now, "We can't let her bring it home."

Thalia imagines with her mind, "Or be alone with it."

You peek at Dame Persephone and Thalia, "What?"
You wave your tattooed dainty right hand, "Don't be silly."
Dame Persephone touches her heart with her hands, "Orla, we care about you. If you need to tell us something..."
Thalia expresses to you importantly, "You are -talking- to her, Orla. And....I don't think you left her side."
You say, "I'm talking to her because she gets me, she is me."
You say, "We are one."
Thalia glimpses at Dame Persephone concernedly, "Sephy...."

Dame Persephone notes to you low-key, "You're scary."

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> Online[16] (21:00 EST): Archduke Alonzo, Daelys, Duke Salazar, Frederic, Gus, Isabelle, Jayland, Lazare, Margrat, Marquis Pascual, Orla, Persephone, Sir Savion, Tamm, Thalia and Viscountess Tara.
Staff[1]: StoryHostess Topsy.
> 21:01 [Chat|Margrat] "Whoa! The online population exploded!"
> 21:01 [Chat|Viscountess Tara] "Yep about that time"
> 21:02 [Chat|Margrat] "Suppertime for me! =D"
> 21:02 [Chat|Margrat] "My sister made Yorkshire pudding!"
> OOC -- You will be away from your keyboard.
> 21:11 [Chat|Gus] "I'll take full credit, ty"
> 21:11 [Chat|Viscountess Tara] "Ok your welcome"
> 21:14 [Chat] "Gus yay!"
> 21:18 [Chat|Gus] "really probably because alonzo is strutting his stuff with fabulous shinies"
> 21:18 [Chat|Archduke Alonzo] "Gurrrl you know it."
> 21:18 [Chat|Frederic] "The most fabulous shinies."
> 21:18 [Chat|Thalia] "I almost just choked"
> 21:18 [Chat|Gus] "his walk is FIRE"

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> Orla says, "Oh! Factitious."
> Orla says, "I really like the way that word sounds."
> Thalia bobs her head, "It's a nice sounding word."
> You blink at Orla, "Gaein' fancy, are ye? Arrigh, then. I thought o' 'fart' an' 'father' right off th' bat, boot ye play it yer way."
> Orla says, "Large, factitious.....balls."
> Orla amuses herself helplessly.
> Thalia coos to Orla naively, "I love balls!"
> You grin, "Gape! Like th' gapin' mouth o' a-"
> Orla snorts helplessly.
> You snort laughingly.
> Thalia explains pre-emptively, "Not the dancing. Just the watching."
> You cackle mirthfully.
> Orla says, "You like watching balls dance?"
> You howl laughingly.
> Thalia swirls her right index finger showingly, "Yes. Everyone goes round and round."
> Orla chuckles, "They do have a peculiar rhythm."
> You gasp, "Och, stop i', Orla! I canna breathe!"
> Orla sniggers into her tattooed dainty right hand, "Okay."
> Thalia scrunches her thin nose, "I think it depends on what your moving to."
> You water your wide-set grey eyes.
> You catch your breath.
> Thalia means obviously, "The rhythm. It all depends on the sounds."
> You laugh again.
> Orla chuckles, "Usually skin."
> Thalia scrunches her thin nose thoughtfully.
> Thalia peeks at herself, "I don't have that much skin out when I'm watching em."
> You laugh helplessly, "Och, naow, I've started agin! Och, marcy!"
> Orla approves, "Let them show all the skin!"
> Orla adores Thalia innocently.
> You double laughingly.
> Thalia sinks her teeth into her rosebud lower lip, "does that make the moving better? i don't think Lady Emm would like me showing all my skin."
> Thalia considers her luxurious lavender grey silk v-neck overgown, "Maybe...some...shoulders?"
> You straighten difficultly.
> A light spring-scented breeze drifts lazily through the area.
> You gasp, "Och, aye! A bit o' shoulders, shoor. There ain't nothin' wrong wi' tha'. Och! Haha!"

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