Funny Moments
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Funny Moments

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> Levison examines the dry ground.
> You check with Levison, "Onward? Or do you have a want?"
> OOC -- Levison says, "far in the distance, you see a tree gecko" ok f-cking Legolas"

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> Persephone shifts her wide hazel green eyes.
> Persephone nods, "Dead."
> You attach your soul to Persephone ghostly.
> Persephone slaps your soul away.
> You cling to Persephone with your soul.
> Persephone exercises your soul, "Away, beast of from the world."
> You bleed your soul onto Persephone.
> You infectiously herald with your soul.
> Persephone buckles under your soul, "Nuuuu!!"
> You press your soul into Persephone heavily.
> You pin Persephone with your soul.
> Persephone melds with your soul unwillingly, "Nuuu I'm turning into a gingeeerrrr."
> Persephone gargles.
> Persephone moves from Thalia to the whitewashed floor.
> Persephone sinks into the whitewashed floor.
> You tint Persephone's tumbling tresses of soft ash blonde hair rosily.
> You redden Persephone's tumbling tresses of soft ash blonde hair soullessly.
> Persephone ded.
> The scene fades to black.

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> Persephone unbandages Thalia's bandaged left armpit.
> Persephone begins to diagnose Thalia.
> Persephone finishes diagnosing Thalia.
> Persephone pauses, "Oh."
> Thalia tilts her head at Persephone's words now, "...Oh?"
> Persephone glimpses to Thalia's face, "So don't hate me... But..."
> Thalia fears Persephone low-key.
> Thalia whines at Persephone instantly, "No!"
> Thalia scampers from Persephone backward.
> Persephone rummages in her healers bag, "Thalia Solandis, you sit down right now. Your armpit is infected."
> You glance startledly at Thalia.
> Dame Ava widens her sharp deep blue eyes owlishly, "...oh no, you don't need to use the bugs do..."
> Dame Ava trails her words.
> Thalia pushes herself over a beech bed, "Nope! Let me die!"
> Persephone stares hard at Thalia.
> You sigh at Thalia.
> Dame Ava pales her face somewhat, "...Oh goodness."
> You ask Persephone, "Dae ye need Ava an' me tae hold her doon?"
> Thalia stands up behind a beech bed.
> Persephone guilts Thalia shamelessly, "Thalia. I've had a bad week. Can we just do this?"
> Thalia moves from a beech bed to Persephone.
> Thalia pauses herself at Persephone's words barely.
> Dame Ava attemptingly comforts Thalia, "It probably that long?"
> Dame Ava furrows her forehead sympathetically.
> A large thickset woman hands a jar of maggots to Persephone.
> Thalia glimpses between Persephone, you and Dame Ava.
> Dame Ava murmurs to Thalia apologetically, "You poor thing."
> Thalia whines at Dame Ava low-key.
> Persephone takes a surgical thread and a stitching needle from her healers bag.
> Dame Ava moves from a large set of double doors leading west to Thalia.
Thalia gasps at Persephone's surgical thread, "Noooooo."
> Dame Ava sinks her heart to Thalia entirely, "I don't think there is another way Miss Thalia."
> Persephone notes too to Thalia, "And I'll definitely have Margrat hold you down."
> You say soothingly to Thalia, "Joost dinna look at th' things, aye? Pretend tha' they arena e'en there. Pretend tha' it joost be sweet, spring caterpillars, playin' on ye, wha' makes th' crawlin', aye?"
> Thalia flicks her warmhearted gaze to you.
> Thalia gags at your words almost.
> Dame Ava shushes at Thalia soft-spokenly, "Just try not to look. It will be worse if you look."
> OOC -- Persephone says, "Omg I laughed so hard"
> OOC -- Thalia says, "Omg. I cant"
> OOC -- Persephone says, "XD Spring caterpillars. I can't lmao"
@ooc "Margrat tries so hard to be helpful XD
> OOC -- Thalia says, "Hold on. I really can't breath"
> OOC -- Persephone will be away from her keyboard, "I have to pee now"
> OOC -- You say, "Lol"
@ooc "Lol
> Dame Ava thinks that is marginally better than maggots.

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You pick Arlo's angular nose with your right index fingertip.
You shove your right index fingertip into Arlo's firm mouth.
You dub Arlo then, "Booger eater."

"One hairdresser does not an olive branch make" -Archduke Alonzo

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OOC -- You say, "Actually, around this time period, in colonial areas, life was so brutally hard that a woman was often widowed several times, and would acquire a pretty tidy sum of money each time a husband died. Or so I read somewhere. But, this isn't a colony."
> OOC -- Ava says, "I'm regretting my choices of not taking assassin. I could have had Ava widowed over and over..."
> OOC -- Ava says, "XD"
> OOC -- Ava says, "Jk"
> OOC -- You say, "OMG, you just made me laugh so loud!! XD"

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 Levison wraps his arms around you uninvitedly.
 You widen your round pale blue eyes owlishly.
 You stare at Persephone alarmedly.
 Levison lifts you onto his right shoulder, "You are adopted."
 You meep followingly.
 Persephone smirks at Levison's words helplessly.
 Persephone laments to you, "I might be jealous."


Levison readjusts you relaxedly, "You are making this far more difficult than need-be."
Persephone notes to Levison, "You could ti her up and put her in the wagon."
pause briefl
You pause briefly.
 You snort at Levison, "Did you expec-"
You flatten your round pale blue eyes at Persephone.
Levison glimpses at Persephone, "We could."
Persephone bats her eyelashes at you.


 You call uselessly, "Pineapple!"

I died at these <.< And all the pieces in between and after

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Levison nods to the Piazza Vecchia fountain, "You there are a mystery book, yes."

You doubt Levison, "I think I am pretty open?"

You suggest to Levison instead, "Romance or adventure? Intrigue ?"

Levison lists to you kindly, "I do not understand romance. I do not want to adventure your body and nor am I intruiged by you."

You stare at Levison flatly.

You dust your cheeks rosily, "I wont be offended by any of that

You doubt your words

Lord Trevyn laughs helplessly.

Lord Trevyn grins at Levison, "I do hope that was not intended as insult...but as a high compliment."

Lord Trevyn says, "A compliment to her fidelity and your respect thereof...."

Lord Trevyn grins at Levison, "Otherwise, you just told her that she is unattractive, uninteresting, and simply just troulesome."


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Lord Trevyn grins at you, "You could be a plant after."
You allow Levison to prowl Thalia.
Levison moves from an expanse of Piazza Vecchia to the north to Thalia.
Levison prowls ever-so-slowly toward you, "Yes. I will use your own tears to stop the bleeding. As you said, she would be sad without you so I will simply have to keep you alive and skinned."
You track Levison with your warmhearted gaze, "I am going to do something completely wretched to you...."

Levison pausingly glimpses at Lord Trevyn, "A plant? Hm. I believe with her body shape she is more likely to look like a peanut."
You assure Lord Trevyn also, "I'm not leafy enough!"
Lord Trevyn laughs richly at Levison's words.
You lower your warmhearted gaze to your average curvaceous body concernedly, "I look like a peanut?"

 Levison agrees with you, "You do."

 Lord Trevyn says, "Perhaps a peanut hull..."
 Levison points to your chest and your thighs particularly, "Those are clearly the shapes of a peanut."
 You cock your head uncertainly, "....Is....looking like a pean-"
 Lord Trevyn moves his large, strong hands demonstratively, "Like this..."
You lower your warmhearted gaze to your decolletage.
You glance between Lord Trevyn and Levison back-and-forth, "....Thank you?"

Lord Trevyn considers you then, "No...definitely not peanuts...they are more canteloupe shaped."

 Levison admits to Lord Trevyn, "I am speaking about the overall look. She does not quite match what some call 'hourglass'. She is smaller than intended for such however."
 Lord Trevyn nods to Levison, "true, but the curves are still undeniable."
 Lord Trevyn says, "She is more like a small peanut."

 Lord Trevyn assures Levison, "if not for the cookies, she would be hourglass..."
 Levison fully agrees with Lord Trevyn.
You confuse yourself with the Piazza Vecchia fountain generally, " hourglass bigger or smaller?"
Lord Trevyn tells you, "you have smaller bosom and smaller hips and rear...but are slightly bigger in the middle."
Lord Trevyn says, "Not much though...the classic hourglass is larger bosomed and wide hipped while being tiny waisted."
 Levison lightly pokes your right side with a knife handle, "Hourglass is bigger-..yes. What he said."
You raise your light right eyebrow ever-so-slowly, ".....Bigger middle?"
You tinge your voice just-so.
Levison circularly defers to your stomach, "Yes. You see you have this 'cookie jar' here which allows you to instead be a peanut."
You stare at Levison flatly, " just...."

 Levison sagely expresses to you, "This is why we insist you eat more meat."You drag your warmhearted gaze to your stomach, "To...get rid of my cookie jar?"

Levison confirms your words, "Indeed."

Lord Trevyn chuckles helplessly.
 Lord Trevyn grins at you, "There is nothing wrong with your appearance, it is, overall, just right for you."
Lord Trevyn says, "Peanut."
You raise your chin primly, "Whatever. I'm a totally lovely shape to make babies!"
 You twitch your soft pink rosebud lips barely.

 Lord Trevyn says, "You are now dubbed Peanut from hence forth, by decree of a German Baron."

 Levison moves from Thalia to an expanse of Piazza Vecchia to the south.
Levison treads back to an expanse of Piazza Vecchia to the south, "I am sure Faust is more than welcome to accomadate such."
 Lord Trevyn winks at you playfully.

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How you know when a woman goes into transition! =D
> You show your glass bud vase, "Look wha' I brought fer her!"
> Viscountess Tara gasps painedly.
> Doctor Genvieve smiles at you, "Parfait."
> You smile, "Th' roses be fro' th' garden in th'-"
> Doctor Genvieve turns then to Viscountess Tara.
> You glance quickly to Viscountess Tara.
> Doctor Genvieve moves from Margrat to a fluffy soft orange cat.
> Doctor Genvieve places a grey gift box beside a fluffy soft orange cat.
> You stand a glass bud vase on an engraved oak desk.
> Viscountess Tara screams, "I CHANGE MY MIND!!!!!!"
> You jump slightly.

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Your bandaged left wrist has been bandaged with Maena.


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Isabelle nods to Aldur, "We'll keep you updated. Any wood in particular you want?"
> Isabelle ponders her words pervertedly.
> Isabelle glances at Aldur's lap and Raul's lap secretively.

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*More About Wood*


> OOC -- You say, "Wait a second! Scotland can import Tulipwood, and I only just realized now; Tulips are flowers; not trees! XD"
> OOC -- You say, "I mean, I KNEW that, but I never thought about it!"
> OOC -- Raul says, "Tulipwood is a type of tree too"
> OOC -- You say, "Ah, that makes sense."
> OOC -- Isabelle says, "I've never heard of that, but I love the name. Tulipwood"
> OOC -- Raul says, "Its a light wood with little veins"
> OOC -- Isabelle says, "Tease"
> OOC -- You say, "Wow, you know a lot about wood!"
> OOC -- Raul says, "I googled it <.<"
> OOC -- You say, "Wait... Was that a dirty joke...? >.>"
> OOC -- Raul says, ".....No"
> OOC -- Isabelle says, "No, but I made it that way"
@ooc "Lol
OOC -- Raul says, "But I read it like one now"
> OOC -- You say, "XD"

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Chat|Doctor Genvieve] "Ack!"
> 20:57 [Chat|Viscountess Tara] "Awww Gen just forget the clothes"
> 20:57 [Chat|Doctor Genvieve] "It's not the clothes, it's my circlet I'm missing"
> 20:59 [Chat|Bruno] "Oh Genvieve, your beauty outshines any old circlet. You know that."
> 20:59 [Chat|Doctor Genvieve] "Bruno... you are seducing me. ; )"
> 21:00 [Chat|Bruno] "Woah now, slow down. You just got your clothes put on."
> 21:00 [Chat|Toddia] "Yeah, at least have dinner first ;)"
> 21:00 [Chat|Doctor Genvieve] "So you think."

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> Doctor Beth presses her fingertips together, "When a man and a woman get married they go to the bedroom..."
> Persephone moves from a pair of large double doors leading north to Doctor Beth.
> Persephone scoots closer to Doctor Beth.
> You angle your round pale blue eyes towards Doctor Beth.
> Persephone helpfully claps Doctor Beth's dainty hands, "BAM BAM BAM. Babies."

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Lord Trevyn cuts a roasted honey-glazed slice of turkey turkey breast from a roasted honey-glazed turkey turkey breast.

OOC -- Lord Trevyn says, "rofl...slice breast....must choose margrat's breast, isabelle's breast or turnky breast"

OOC -- Lord Trevyn says, "had I said first breast...I would have slice margrat's breast...mmmmm  tasty."

You allow Lord Trevyn to slice Margrat.
Lord Trevyn moves from Isabelle to Margrat.
> Lord Trevyn slices your right breast.
> OOC -- Lord Trevyn says, "rofl...there it went..."

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