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[Sticky] Crafting

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This thread is for updates to the crafting system.

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Bridles, harnesses, horse blankets, reins, saddles, side saddles, saddle bags, and saddle pads have been added to seamstress. The pattern folder is available for sale from the boy in the stables. You can also purchase these items directly from the stable boy, but the available colors and materials are limited. I've updated all of these items to work with the current crafting system, so have at it with beribboning and bejeweling your horse gear.

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Cambric, lockram, sackcloth, sheer linen, buckram, sheer cotton, stammel, kersey, frieze, worsted, homespun, grogram, buffin, serge, sheer silk, watered silk, crushed velvet, dupion, gambroon, jaspe, melton, percaline, soft velvet, and corduroy have been added to the fabrics that weavers can make.

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Knitting needles have been added to carpenter.

Scapulars, wimples, and money pouches have been added to seamstress.

Note: The patterns for the scapular, wimple, and money pouch are in the advanced cloaks, intermediate hats, and pouches pattern folders, respectively. This change is not retroactive, so if you have already purchased one of these folders and would like the pattern, send your folder with a promissory note for 20 florins to me through the post office, and I will add it for you.

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Boxes of envelopes have been added to bookbinder. Like the box of scrolls, this will require an entire ream of paper, and it will produce a box of 25 identical envelopes. You can emboss the box and brand it with a maker's mark, which will carry through to all envelopes taken from the box after that point. The command to take an envelope from the box is pull, i.e. pull my envelope box.

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How will payments for carpentry items be done?


I still have my ICO price guide, but it's in Denerial, not what's being used in Allegory


Thank you.



StoryHostess Admin
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 1 denar = 1 florin



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It shoul;d make things much easier.


Thank you.


(and oh, I haven't been in game yet, so I don't know if my assist on this has been answered).


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Boxes of bandages have been added to healer. Like the other bulk item boxes, they require an entire bolt of fabric and use the pull command, i.e. pull my bandage box. A full box contains 20 bandages.

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For shits and giggles, I added commodes to carpenter. Chamber pot sold separately.

Edit: The schematic for this can be found in the chairs folder.

Emm reacted
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Boxes of invitations and cards have been added to bookbinder. They work the same way as the other bulk item boxes with the pull command. All of the shapes that work with invitations and cards also work with the boxes.

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Trunk hose, slashed trunk hose, partlets, open partlets, frilled partlets, and tie-neck partlets have been added to seamstress. The trunk hose patterns are in the advanced pants folder. If you have already purchased this folder, please assist c/o Kjell, and I will get you the patterns for 40 florins. The partlet patterns have their own folder, which is available through an NPC.

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Most of the items crafted from and including pants now have pockets. Select jackets also have pockets. This change is not retroactive and will only apply to newly created garments.

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Muffs have been added to seamstress. The pattern can be found in the gloves folder. As always, if you have already purchased this folder, please assist. The cost for the pattern will be 20 florins.

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Mantels have been added to carpenter and stonemason. The pattern has been automatically added to the stonemason database at level 24 and the pattern for the carpenters can be purchased at the wheeler for 20 florins. Mantels can be added to fireplaces to add a mantel detail.


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