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Events & Favor

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Sorry to have to make one of these posts, guys.

It has been brought to our attention that events are being held without the intent to roleplay in order to gain favor points. I'd like to remind everyone that this is not the purpose of the event system, and group semi-idling for favor points is considered abuse of the system. We will disable event favor in part or completely if we see this continue.

Additionally, favor points awarded through @favor are meant to reward positive efforts in the game and not to be handed out indiscriminately to everyone in your circle every week. Both of these systems are in place to help encourage cooperative roleplay. The goal of Allegory of Empires is to have fun and tell stories, not to chase rank.

If you have any questions or concerns, please @assist.

Eminent Member
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Posts: 45

We're working on a comprehensive article for those who are confused on the rules for the @event system. In the meantime, you can reference the original discussion here.


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A comprehensive overview of the events system can be found here:

Estimable Member
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We've been seeing this issue with some frequency lately. Please take the time to review how the @event system is and is not supposed to be used. Thank you!

Exhibit A: Lord Guy and Lady Jane step into a nearby cafe to share some drinks and idle chit chat. After a while, a few more people come into the cafe, and a casual conversation develops as everyone buys drinks and sits around the various tables with their friends or family. Lord Guy notices the group forming and decides to call an event to take advantage of the attendance. 

This is NOT how to use the event system. In fact, this behavior would be considered an abuse of the system because at no point had you planned to host an event. You are simply taking advantage of system mechanics to further your progress. 
