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Whyte's & Co. Tailoring

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Whyte's & Co. Tailoring

We are pleased to announce the founding of Whyte's Tailoring and Co! Master craftsmen Percival Whyte and Miles Kingsley aim to provide the finest garments, housewares, and textiles for one and all. Boasting competitive, affordable pricing, and rapid turn-around, we endeavor to bring the best of the best to the citizens of this fine city! Write to us today for all your clothing and home decor needs!


The options are infinite and we of Whyte's & Co. Tailoring are dedicated to providing everything you could need or want. Master tailor and dye mixer Percival Whyte provides quality craftsmanship and a wealth of options for any style. Come to us with your order or allow us to do the design work for you! From ball gowns to sportswear and everything in between, we are here to help! Custom embroideries available (for a fee) so you will be sure to stand out from the crowd in the finest wares! Miles Kingsley has worked with fiber for decades and supplies the highest quality materials, ensuring you receive a quality product at a reasonable price! (Please note, we are not filling bulk orders for raw materials at this time.)





2 Florins - red, blood-red, blush red, bright red, coquelicot, crimson, dark red, maroon, ruddy red, scarlet, wine

3 Florins - dark scarlet, dark wine, falu red, pallid sanguine, vibrant red

4 Florins - burgundy, cardinal red, rose red, strawberry red, vermilion

5 Florins - carmine red, lava, rust red, soft wine blush

6 Florins - cherry-red, red-violet

7 Florins - garnet, holly red

8 Florins - pale rose red

9 Florins - ruby red

14 Florins - cranberry


1 Florin - pink, dark pink, light pink

2 Florins - bright pink, magenta, rose grey, vibrant pink

3 Florins - dark salmon, heliotrope, soft pink

4 Florins - carnation pink, coral, dark coral, hot pink, misty rose, pastel pink

5 Florins - dark pink, pale pink, soft wine blush

6 Florins - cerise, cherry-blossom pink, fuscia

7 Florins - lavender rose


1 Florin - orange, dark orange, light orange

2 Florins - bright orange, burnt orange, pumpkin, tangerine, vibrant orange

3 Florins - carrot orange, sunglow

4 Florins - bittersweet orange, bronze, gold, peach, saffron

5 Florins - amber

6 Florins - apricot, metallic gold, pale amber, sunset orange

7 Florins - persimmon

8 Florins - copper

9 Florins - vivid persimmon


1 Florin - yellow, dark yellow, light yellow

2 Florins - bright yellow, canary yellow, flaxen yellow, scuzzy yellow, vibrant yellow

3 Florins - gamboge, golden yellow, goldenrod, sunglow

4 Florins - gold

5 Florins - arylide yellow

6 Florins - metallic gold


2 Florins - green, blue-green, bright green, chartreuse, clover-green, dark green, light green, olive green, sage, scummy green, viridian

3 Florins - apple-green, emerald, feldgrau, fern green, forest green, harlequin, hunter green, light sage, lime green, myrtle green, peacock green, vibrant green, wintergreen

4 Florins - dark feldgrau, jade, midnight green, mint green, pale mint green, spring green

5 Florins - dark spring green, dioptase green, sea green, spring green

6 Florins - beryl green, mint cream

7 Florins - pine green


2 Florins - blue, aquamarine, blue-green, blue-grey, bright blue, cadet blue, cobalt blue, dark blue, indigo, light blue, midnight blue, navy blue, royal blue

3 Florins - cerulean, cyan, indigo purple, ocean blue, peacock blue, sky blue, vibrant blue

4 Florins - azure, azure mist, baby blue, dark turquoise, sapphire, steel blue, turquoise

5 Florins - blue-violet, chalcedony blue

6 Florins - cornflower blue, ice blue, pearl aqua

7 Florins - pale blue, teal


2 Florins - purple, bright purple, dark purple, imperial purple, light purple, plum

3 Florins - heliotrope, indigo purple, periwinkle, tyrian purple, vibrant purple

4 Florins - dusky violet, lavender, orchid purple, pale violet, violet

5 Florins - amethyst, blue-violet

6 Florins - lavender grey, mauve, red-violet

7 Florins - lavender rose, lilac, thistle, wysteria


1 Florin - black

2 Florins - charcoal black, midnight black, murky black, sooty black

3 Florins - ebony, jet black, obsidian black, raven, sable

4 Florins - dingy black


1 Florin - white, grubby white

2 Florins - bright white, vibrant white

3 Florins - beige, cream, ivory, pure white

4 Florins - milky white, pearly white, snow white

5 Florins - ecru, magnolia white

7 Florins - alabaster, chalky white, pearly white

9 Florins - translucent


1 Florin - grey, dark grey, light grey

2 Florins - blue-grey, dusky grey, rose grey, slate grey

3 Florins - ash grey, smoky grey, storm grey

4 Florins - silver

5 Florins - silvery-grey

6 Florins - lavender grey


1 Florin - brown, dark brown, light brown

2 Florins - auburn, chocolate, dark chocolate, hazel, rich brown, russet, sienna, tan

3 Florins - bistre, caramel, khaki, umber

4 Florins - bronze, buff, ochre, taupe

5 Florins - golden brown, sandy brown, wheat

6 Florins - creamy chocolate

8 Florins - cinnamon


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Hats and Caps (1 yd) - hat, cap, coif, hood, paste, circlet, beribboned garland, caul, wide-brimmed coif, wide-brimmed hat, head roll, conical hat, crispine, acorn hat, capotain hat, fez hat, chapeau hat, wimple, steeple hat, snood, sock hat, bonnet, chaperon, tricorn hat, pillbox hat, stuffed chaperon, top hat, attifet, coronet hat, face veil, mitre, cavalier hat, jester hat, ruffled veil, gable hood, amice, gugel hood, skullcap, zucchetto, beret, flat cap, padded arming cap, biretta, phrygian cap, ear-shaped caul  


Gloves (1/2 yds) - gloves, moufles, handwraps, fingerless gloves, flounces, mittens, work gloves, long gloves, archery glove, formal gloves             


Belts, Sashes, and Sundries (1 yd) - belt, waist sash, fascia, tie belt, shoulder sash, braided belt, waist cord, tankard strap, garter belt, double-wrap belt, bum roll,  girdle belt, tool belt, stomacher  


Bags (1 yd) - pouch, sack, belt pouch, money pouch, codpiece, pocket belt, purse, arms pack, satchel, rucksack, quiver, sporran, tapestry pouch, healers bag,   


Cloaks and Capes (2 yds) - cloak, cape, back cloak, sagum mantle, thigh-length cloak, brat drape, lacerna cloak, tebenna, hooded cloak, hooded lacerna cloak, bellcloak, manteau cloak, mantle, mozzetta, capelet, chasuble cape, gollar cape, evening cape, collared cape, sword cape, shawl


Boots, Shoes, and Sandals (1/2 yd) - shoes, boots, slippers, round-toed shoes, sandals, heeled shoes, moccasins, latchet shoes, dress shoes, poulaines, ankle-high boots, calf-high boots, knee-high boots, work boots, tall boots, bucket boots, castle-top boots, toggle boots, infantry boots, heeled boots, strapped boots, heeled thigh-high boots, dancing slippers, heeled slippers, gladiator sandals, strapped knee-high sandals, knee-high moccasins 


Ribbons, Partlets, and Frills (1/2 yd) - ribbon, benda, wristlet, choker, braided hairband, partlet, open partlet, tie-neck partlet, frilled partlet


Scarves (1 yd) - scarf, knit scarf, neck handkerchief, stock, head scarf, ascot, cravat, stole, handkerchief (1/2 yd)


Sleeves (1 yd) - sleeves, tippets, tapered sleeves, armwraps, hanging sleeves, upper arm gauntlets, segmented sleeves


Muff (1 yd)

Fan (1 yd)

Umbrella (2 yds)

Parasol (2 yds)        




Jackets, Doublets, and Outwear (4 yds) - jacket, jerkin, doublet, dagged coat, cotehardie, ankle-length jacket, short coat, long jacket, courtepy, pleated coat, short buckled jacket, great coat, buttoned long coat, quilted jerkin, silhouette jerkin, sleeveless doublet, short-sleeved doublet, dagged doublet, padded doublet, peascod doublet, pourpoint, slashed-sleeved doublet    


Shirts (2 yds) - shirt, sleeveless shirt, swatch shirt, vest, short-sleeved shirt, bag-sleeved cotte, two-toned shirt, fold-neck shirt, rucked shirt, tie-neck shirt, gambeson, padded shirt, arming cotte, ruffled shirt, cavalier shirt, frilled shirt, half-cape frilled shirt, infantry gambeson         


Tunics (2 yds) - tunic, sleeveless tunic, short-sleeved tunic, undertunic, slit-neck tunic, tie-neck tunic, riveted tunic, hooded overtunic   


Pants (2 yds) - pants, chaps, two-toned pants, braccae, chausses, harem pants, shorts, trews, trousers, breeches, pluderhose, pantaloons, swordsman pants, pleated pants, ensemble pants, cinched pants, slops, jodhpurs, kilt, slashed trunk hose


Underthings (2 yds) - underdrawers, braies, hose, trunk hose, boot hose, split hose, tights, doublet hose, kilt hose




Gowns (6 yds) - gown, cotelette, short-sleeved gown, sideless gown, sleeveless gown, long-sleeved gown, sleeveless undergown, overgown, v-neck overgown, back-laced gown, pendant-sleeved gown, bliaut, burgundian, evening gown, front-laced gown, split-front gown, floor-length gown, hanging-sleeved gown, bombasted-sleeved gown, partlet gown, ruff gown 


Dresses (4 yds) - dress, peplum, sideless surcoat, wrap-around dress, surcoat, short-sleeved dress, ranger dress, kirtle, short saberist dress, round kirtle, saberist dress, train-skirted dress       


Skirts (2 yds) - skirt, knee-length skirt, ankle-length skirt, waist wrap, floor-length skirt, angled skirt, ankle-length kilt, underskirt, overskirt, split-front overskirt, yoke skirt, ruffled skirt, ruffled underskirt, tiered ruffle skirt, ruffled overskirt, hoop skirt 


Trains (3 yds) - train, chapel-length train, sweeping train, cathedral-length train, watteau train, royal train      


Blouses, bodices and stays (2 yds) - blouse, camisole, bodice, ruched bodice, shirred bodice, skirted bodice, cross-laced bodice, doublet bodice, short-vested bodice, corsetted underbust stays, short jumps, corsetted short stays, jumps, corsetted stays, sleeveless blouse, short-sleeved blouse, ruffled blouse 


Garters, Stockings and Socks (1/2 yd) - garters, ribbon garters, tie garters, braided tie garters, stockings, knit stockings, knee-high stockings, thigh-high stockings, back seam stockings, leggings, socks, knit socks, toe socks  


Bloomers (2 yds) - bloomers, short bloomers  


Chemises (3 yds) - chemise, sleeveless chemise, chemisette, chainse, short-sleeved chemise, smock, camicia   




Towels (1 yd) - towel, hand towel, beach towel  


Curtains (3 yds) - curtains, window sash, drapes, cafe curtains, portiere 


Blankets (4 yds) - blanket, lap blanket, throw blanket, bed sheet, bed skirt, comforter, quilt  


Pillows and Cushions (1 yd) - pillow, decorative pillow, cushions (various shapes and sizes) 


Carpets and Rugs (2 yds) - wall-to-wall as well as various shapes and sizes available


Mattress (10 yds)

Upholstery Roll (8 yds)

Wallpaper (10 yds)

Napkin (1/2 yd)

Streamers (1/2 yd)

Table Runner (2 yds)

Tablecloth (3 yds)

Tapestry (2 yds)

Washcloth (1/2 yd)

Placemat (1/2 yd)




Leash (1/2 yd)

Collar (1/2 yd)

Saddle Pad (1 1/2 yd)

Reins (1 yd) 

Mount Blanket (4 yds)

Saddle Bags (2 yds)

Bridle (2 yds)

Harness (4 yds)

Saddle (4 1/2 yds)

Side Saddle (4 1/2 yds)




Robes (2 yds) - scapular, over-robe, scholar robe, cassock, alb


Legwear (1/2 yd) - buskins, spatterdashes, footwraps, legwraps


Bandanas (1/2 yd) - bandana, face bandana 


Aprons (2 yds) - apron, smith apron


Sleepwear (3 yds) - pajamas, footed pajamas, nightgown


Epitrachelion (1 yd) 

Blindfold (1/2 yd)




Diaper (1/2 yd)

Swaddling Gown (1 yd)




Trimming (1/2 yd)

Fringe (1/2 yd)

Thread (1/2 yd)

Ruffle (1/2 yd)

Lace (1/2 yd)

Lining (1 yd)




Bookmark (1/2 yd)

Polishing Cloth (1/2 yd)

Cloth Strip (1/2 yd)

Large Flag (2 yds)

Small Flag (1 yd)

Banner (5 yds)

Hammock (4 yds)

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Due to increases in material costs around the city, we've had to raise our fabric prices as listed below. All prices listed are per yard. A 20% discount will be applied for fabrics of good quality and lower upon request (OOC: Check @craft Percival to see quality of on-hand fabrics).


10 Florins

burlap, muslin

15 Florins

batiste, broadcloth, felt, hemp, poplin, sackcloth, twilled homespun, whipcord

20 Florins

barras, calico, canvas, cotton, flannel, heavy linen, holland, linen, leather, rawhide, russet, wool

25 Florins

boar hide, kendall, frizado, woolsey

30 Florins

deer hide, gingham

40 Florins

fox fur, herringbone tweed, merino, suede, tweed

50 Florins

angora, bear fur, silk

55 Florins

sheer silk, velvet

60 Florins

corduroy, crushed velvet, soft velvet

65 Florins

damask, satin, velveteen

75 Florins

brocade, dupion, watered silk

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10 Florins - burlap, muslin

15 Florins - batiste, broadcloth, felt, poplin, sackcloth, twilled homespun, whipcord

20 Florins - barras, buckram, calico, cotton, flannel, heavy linen, holland, homespun, linen, leather, rawhide, russet, sheer cotton, wool, worsted

25 Florins - boar hide, kendall, frizado, gambroon, kersey, lockram, percaline, sheer linen, stammel, woolsey

30 Florins - cambric, deer hide, frieze, gingham, jaspe, lawn

35 Florins - melton, rabbit fur, tweed

40 Florins - buffin, fox fur, grogram, herringbone tweed, serge, suede

50 Florins - bear fur, silk

55 Florins - sheer silk, velvet

60 Florins - corduroy, crushed velvet, soft velvet

65 Florins - damask, satin, velveteen

70 Florins - brocade, dupion, watered silk

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The following items are sourced through the import auction house. Due to demand and market fluctuations, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to stock the items again in the event we sell out. Material prices are listed below. 



Mohair - 40f/Yd

Chenille - 50f/yd

Cordovan - 50f/yd

Wool Brocade - 55f/yd

Batik Silk - 70f/Yd

Ermine Fur - 75f/Yd

Guipure Lace - 75f/Yd

Panne Velvet - 75f/Yd

Dyes - 35f/yd (antique white, black-to-grey ombre, butterscotch gold, gunmetal grey, iridescent iris, mahogany black, pale cream, rum raisin, shadowy evergreen, vibrant sapphire blue) 



Cashmere - 50f/Yd

Chamois - 50f/yd

Chambray - 50f/yd

Georgette - 70f/Yd   

Brocatelle Brocade - 75f/yd

Chantilly Lace - 75f/Yd   

Nacre Velvet - 75f/Yd

Mink Fur - 75f/Yd

Dyes - 35f/yd (burnished gold, dark steel, deep aubergine, gold-flecked green, honey-hued cocoa, ivory-kissed gold, rich raven black, silver-flecked blue, tawny brown, tiger lily orange) 



Hemp - 15f/Yd  

Canvas - 20f/Yd

Heavy Canvas - 20f/Yd

Waterproof Canvas - 25f/yd 

Gabardine - 50f/yd

Nubuck - 50f/yd

Sarcenet - 55f/yd

Satin brocade - 70f/yd

Beaver Fur - 75f/yd

Torchon Lace - 75f/yd

Velvet Brocade - 75f/yd

Dyes - 35f/yd (blushed rose, corn silk yellow, cream-to-rose ombre, deep ebony, golden champagne, pale celadon, rich mahogany, satiny blue, soft lilac, vivid crimson)



Crinoline - 40f/yd 

Angora - 50f/yd

Cabretta - 50f/yd

Taffeta - 70f/yd

Cisele Velvet - 75f/yd

Cloque Brocade - 75f/yd

Reticella Lace - 75f/yd

Sable Fur - 75f/yd

Dyes - 35f/use (aspen blue, cinder smoke, cream-to-white ombre, dark sepia, dove grey, glossy garnet, lavender mauve, pale peach, pastel yellow, rich merlot) 



Chintz - 40f/yd

Merino - 40f/yd

Buckskin - 50f/yd

Grosgrain - 50f/yd

Alencon Lace - 75f/yd

Embossed Velvet - 75f/yd   

Lynx fur - 75f/yd

Quilted brocade - 75f/yd 

Dyes - 35f/use (lustrous mocha, pale pewter, pastel blue, red-to-black ombre, rose wine, soft marigold, sunshine yellow, twilight black, vibrant mandarin, vivid emerald)



Gauze - 35f/yd

Shagreen - 50f/yd

Cotton brocade - 55f/yd

Charmeuse - 75f/yd

Chinchilla Fur - 75f/yd

Devore Velvet - 75f/yd

Madeira Lace - 75f/yd

Vicuna - 75f/yd

Dyes - 35f/use (blue-to-green ombre, bronzed bisque, dandelion yellow, ink black, seafoam green, shadowy silver, silvered bronze, snowdrop white, soft pearl, sterling grey)


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The following items are incredibly rare. Once they are gone, there is no guarantee that we will be able to find them again. 


DYES - 40f/use

auroral azure (7 uses)

blushed champagne (5 uses)

blushed plum (7 uses)

brilliant jade green (6 uses)

lustrous merlot red (6 uses)

pearlescent periwinkle blue (10 uses)

pristine porcelain white (6 uses)

rich mulberry (5 uses)

roseate sage (5 uses)

silvered sapphirine (8 uses)

translucent snow white (7 uses)

umbral argent (7 uses)

umbral ash grey (8 uses)


PLEASE NOTE - The following items are available as-is and cannot be dyed due to the rarity of their colors.

aureolin apricot velvet fabric - 65f/yd (1 unit of unsurpassed quality)

blushed champagne satin brocade fabric - 70f/yd (3.5 units of unsurpassed quality)

blushed plum wool fabric - 20f/yd (2.5 units of exceptional quality)

brilliant jade green merino fabric - 40f/yd (2 units of unsurpassed quality)

brilliant jade green suede fabric - 40f/yd (7.5 units of unsurpassed quality)

brown and grey horned viper skin fabrics - 20f/yd (misc quantities available, can be dyed over)

camouflage alligator skin fabric - 20f/yd (6 units of very good quality)

champagne shimmer cambric fabric - 35f/yd (4 units of exceptional quality)

champagne shimmer taffeta fabric - 75f/yd (3 units of unsurpassed quality)

copper-colored velvet fabric - 60f/yd (8 units of superb quality)

copper-colored woolsey fabric - 30f/yd (5 units of unsurpassed quality)

dark, dust brown snakeskin fabrics - 20f/yd (misc quantities available, can be dyed over)

inky eventide blue dupion fabric - 75f/yd (0.5 units of unsurpassed quality)

lapis blue velvet fabric - 60f/yd (0.5 units of exceptional quality)

luscious caramello mink fur fabric - 80f/yd (3 units of unsurpassed quality)

luscious caramello suede fabric - 45f/yd (3 units of magnificent quality)

lustrous merlot red cisele velvet fabric - 75f/yd (3.5 units of unsurpassed quality)

lustrous merlot red crushed velvet fabric - 60f/yd (3 units of unsurpassed quality)

lustrous merlot red sheer silk fabric - 55f/yd (4 units of unsurpassed quality)

lustrous merlot red velveteen fabric - 65f/yd (5.5 units of exceptional quality)

mottled-brown alligator skin fabric - 20f/yd (3 units of good quality)

nacreous lunaria white brocade fabric - 75f/yd (7.5 units of unsurpassed quality)

natural burano lace fabric- 80f/yd (10 units of magnificent quality)

natural pangolin scale fabric - 20f/yd (10 units of terrible quality)

opalescent blushed pearl taffeta fabric - 75f/yd (1.5 units of magnificent quality)

pale porcelain cambric fabric - 35f/yd (9 units of exceptional quality)

pale porcelain silk fabric - 55f/yd (4 units of unsurpassed quality)

piebald hide fabrics - 20f/yd (misc quantities available, can be dyed over)

pristine porcelain white poplin fabric - 15f/yd (4 units of exceptional quality)

pristine porcelain white sheer linen fabric - 25f/yd (3 units of magnificent quality)

pristine porcelain white sheer silk fabric - 55f/yd (5 units of unsurpassed quality)

rich mulberry cashmere fabric - 50f/yd (misc quantities available)

roseate sage sheer silk fabric - 55f/yd (2.5 units of outstanding quality)

silvered sapphirine crushed velvet fabric - 60f/yd (2.5 units of exceptional quality)

silvery sugar white madeira lace fabric - 80f/yd (4 units of superb quality)

silvery-black alligator skin fabric - 10f/yd (3 units of terrible quality)

soft ivory rose sheer silk fabric - 60f/yd (4 units of exceptional quality)

translucent snow white torchon lace fabric - 75f/yd (4 units of magnificent quality)

twilight black alligator skin fabric - 20f/yd (5 units of good quality)

umbral argent georgette fabric - 75f/yd (3 units of magnificent quality)

umbral ash grey melton fabric - 35f/yd (10 units of magnificent quality)

umbral ash grey tweed fabric - 35f/yd (10 units of unsurpassed quality)

umbral ash grey woolsey fabric - 25f/yd (10 units of magnificent quality)

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Our list of rare goods and available import items have been updated above.

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The above list of rare items is accurate as of 12 April 1602.
