Last seen: Nov 11, 2023
Esquire Faust chucks a mug of mulled wine at Isabelle.
Steve considers, "If I was a woman, this would be distracting."
*kindly brought to the front of the board*
A drawing of a red-haired woman in a tragedy mask. Vibrant colors and heavy shading cover the surface of the page in a representation of a petite re...
A drawing of a petite woman in a vulture mask. Vibrant colors and heavy shading cover the surface of the page in a representation of a petite woman ...
A drawing of a tiny woman in a tragedy mask. Vibrant colors and heavy shading cover the surface of the page in a representation of a tiny woman in a...
A drawing of a young woman in a nobleman's mask. Vibrant colors and heavy shading cover the surface of the page in a representation of a young woman...
A drawing of a brown-haired man in a dragon mask. Vibrant colors and heavy shading cover the surface of the page in a representation of a brown-hair...
A drawing of a lithesome woman in a lioness mask. Vibrant colors and heavy shading cover the surface of the page in a representation of a lithesome ...
A drawing of a young woman in a hummingbird mask. Vibrant colors and heavy shading cover the surface of the page in a representation of a young woma...
A drawing of a large man in a tuatara mask. Vibrant colors and heavy shading cover the surface of the page in a representation of a large man in a t...
A drawing of a tall comedy masked man. Vibrant colors and heavy shading cover the surface of the page in a representation of a tall man in a com...
We want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who came to the masquerade! A wonderful time was had by all and the costumes were delightful. I hav...