Last seen: Aug 9, 2023
Be advised; this audience will be held in the Administration Office across from the Royal Stables, east of the Palace Entrance.
@thalia Now you know why Theodora is the way she is. *dun dun duunn*
@ava We're all guilty of misusing it. I'm 1000% sure that you weren't the deciding factor for their decision to remove it, so don't feel bad. <3
@margrat_maclean Personally, I find it disruptive to roleplay and have rarely found it that funny. In fact, I hated it. Yes, everyone is guilty ...
You're right- it is a useful tool for enhancing roleplay, but I think it's been misused. Lately, I've seen it used to convey OOC thoughts or used in a...
Let it be known that High Constable Aldo will be making a public announcement during this hour. All are encouraged to attend. Location and time remain...
*Brought to the fore*
*bump* (OOC: Takes place in 15 minutes. Excited to see people for some fun, inclusive RP!)
Description Royal Retainer Hours for those with business for Her Royal Majesty or the Mistress of the Robes, Lady Emeraude, are invited to attend pro...
This is now, east of the palace entrance then southwest.
The Audience will be held at 8 o'clock in the evening, Friday the 15th May 1600.
Let's get real... Kudos to everyone! There has been drama, tension, and excitement over the last few months and I just want to take a second to say....
*brought to the fore by a helpful page boy*