Last seen: May 9, 2024
I have lowered the quantity usage on the following blacksmith items from .5 to .2: bead button hairpin hatpin embossing stylus tweezers ...
I will post an update on the locations of everything as I move them. Once all is said and done, I'll post an updated map with new labels. Thank you ag...
Trellised arches have been added to the carpenter options. They hold two plants.
The rose bushes in the garden shop have been given a few extra color variations that will spawn randomly once you purchase them.
Carpenters can now make trellised arch planters. They can hold two plants. The pattern can be found in the garden shop.
Healers can now apply GARLIC PASTE or ALOE VERA PASTE to bandages. Doing so will create a poultice. COMPRESSING the WOUND with the poultice treats i...
A few things! - Guns now leave puncture wounds instead of bruises. - The bank can be accessed from the road outside the post office AND Piazz...
There are now two alarm bells in the city. The bell near the fountain is to alert the City Guard and Militia to the need for assistance. The bell in t...
The Post Office has been relocated to Strada Principale across from Carlota's Cafe. (From the fountain, go S, S, E)
Players are allowed to maintain more than one paid account with AoE. You can transfer your characters from one paid account to another paid account fo...
Players are allowed to maintain more than one paid account with AoE. You can transfer your characters from one paid account to another paid account fo...
The water features found around the city (Piazza Vecchia fountain, abbey pool, hospital pool, et cetera) can now be used to refill most craftable vess...