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RP Kudos

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Genvieve de Martinique
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@ava OMG, my husband thought I was insane while I'm trying not to choke on my dinner and can barely chew because I'm laughing and crying too much from the hilarity of that scene!!! That is some of the funniest RP I have ever had! And what is so ironic is that Diego was LITERALLY dying and it's supposed to be this serious scene... and we're all too busy laughing at their misery to RP properly because we can barely type! 

So absolutely, Great Big Kudos to Ava, Trevyn, Margrat, Diego, Bruno, Gus and Isabelle. 

(Gus and and Bruno were like *shrug--eat more bacon!* While the rest of them were either gagging, working or actively bleeding or um... "being sick") o=) 

And later props to Thalia and Ava for being perhaps not the most willing hosptial assistants for poor Matteo and Levison yesterday morning who also get props for being good patients. 

Well done all! I still laugh when reflecting on the pure insanity of that fantastic night!

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I know the event said no boys but I'm super glad Matteo stopped by to chat! He was cracking me up the whole time, Izzy is was a riot as always, Margrat will forever be so fun and supportive, and I need more Daelys in my life! Seriously girl, don't be a stranger. <3 all of you. 

"One hairdresser does not an olive branch make" -Archduke Alonzo

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Kudos to Margrat. You totally made me cry with that scene earlier in the night because it was just so powerful, love all of your RP and the depth of Ava and Margrat's friendship. 


Kudos to Charisma too. Girl, you crack me up and that sass is just too much fun. 


Belated Kudos to everyone involved in that consulate attack last week, that whole scene was just great and all of you were excellent.

"One hairdresser does not an olive branch make" -Archduke Alonzo

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Ahhh I haven't done one of these in forever.  I low key forgot <.< 
Trevyn - It has been super good to see you out and about more.  I love how hard you are working ig to improve relations <3 I have enjoyed all our rp together so far.  You always make me giggle
Levi - You fluctuate between adorable, funny and creepy.  I high-key don't hate it.  I also hope you know we are keeping you <3
Faust - I enjoy all of our scenes together.  I really like the depth your character has and the effort you put into his background/personality.  I look forward to continuing to get to know him <3 <3
Diego - I adore their little tension scenes.  And Diego's super creepy smile <.< It squishes me out everytime.  Look forward to more interaction with you 
Margrat - You always play your character true and I love that!  I enjoy our little drama/tension ig and can't wait to see how it plays out
Ava - Reading your tuesday tea times is always fun <3  hopefully soon ill remember to eat dinner before i go and no be so distracted!
Alonzo - I had not realized that a character could be both so scary and adorable at the same time.  Thank you so much for last night.  It, as always, is a pleasure getting to play with you.  Also <.< Thank you for schooling me on the injury ranking list.  <3
The Peace Scene at the Italian consulate - Aldo - You were inclusive and amazing.  You always made sure someone was doing something and I appreciate that so much.  Ava - The reaction was no less than I'd expect from Ava and made me giggle.  Faust - Seeing his attempts at caring and his worry was adorable.  He was hella cute with Ava and Eme <3  And I really enjoyed the scene after despite the sleepiness.  Levi - You played it good and true to your character <3 Matteo - It's a shame you didn't get there earlier but Matteo was def Matteo and caused some great tension.  And Eme.  Dear sweet Emeraude - Not only was she on point with Eme's continued stubbornness but seeing those little flecks of softness were soooooo good <3  You rped out that pain better than I've seen in a long time <3

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Big Kudos to Tara, Matteo, and Margrat for making yesterday super fun. I needed that for sure. 

Poor Mieka though. 

"One hairdresser does not an olive branch make" -Archduke Alonzo

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It's been a while since anyone has posted .... so I'm going to collapse you all in my never-ending love. Resistance is futile, accept and enjoy it.


- Beth: You're great!

- Landon: You're also great!

- Thalia: You're forever great!

- Sephy: You're the bestest of great!

- Eme: You're scary, but great!

- Emm: You're great will make an even greater Orla!

- Miles: You're hilariously great!

- Bruno: You're adorably great!

- King: You're great for Orla's ego!

Everyone Else: Greeeeeeaaaaaat!


..... Sorry I was going to give details, but then I got lazy and did this. Thank you all for being great.


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I missed this thread!


Orla - As always a source of really good rp.  I love how you can fluctuate between being silly and serious depending on the situation and Iove how Orla and Thalia interact

Erik - I am really enjoying getting know your character and his back story and personality.  You play him really consistently and its always super enjoyable to interact with him.  Love his one liners and A plus rp.

Emeraude - As scary and intense as always.

Beth- I am super glad to see you returned to the game <3 I love our interactions and the girls silly little adventures

Valeria- Our last few interactions have been really nice.  I'm super glad to see you out more and grateful to have you come sit with me anytime <3 

Landon - Bit of fresh air.  Your character is always silly and I enjoy our interactions.  I can't wait to see him develop!

Isabelle - You legit make me crack up everytime you pop out.  The sass <3 The lack of filter <3

Trevyn - It is always interesting to see the different sides of your character and how he interacts amid the drama.  Looking forward to more of it.

Arlo - You make me giggle

Miles - You are completely adorable <3 Like the cutest little English lad ever.  I love how inclusive you are and I especially love your sheep >.> 


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Joining in on the thread!

Thalia - The talks between Landon and Thalia are the best.

Orla - She both delights and confuses Landon.

Beth - Goes without saying, she and Landon are adorable.

Charisma - Again, delightful and a mental challenge for Landon sometimes.

Bruno - The few times you and Landon interact is so much fun.

Levi - Your quiet/reserved Ranger/Hunter is awesome.

Miles - Not many men would play a fop, kudos to doing so.

Thalia reacted
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Isabelle: I never realized how much she and Orla got along. I really enjoyed their conversation.

Erik: You are hilarious, always have been!

Arlo: You will forever get free food from Orla!

Trevyn: I'm glad Orla doesn't hate you anymore because your rp is not awful! And she loves the surprise food things.

Waylon: You do  a great job of trying to manage crafting and rp, I love to see that because I know it's not always easy.

Toddia: Toddia is hilarious and so innocent, Orla is going to love ruining her. >.>

Margrat: I rarely go a scene with you without laughing, thanks!

Margrat's Dog: I will bury you if you pee on me!!!

Charisma: You're Orla's twin, that's all there is to say!

Levi: I love your out of the blue jokes lol


Okay I'm lazy again. Bye

Arlo, LandonCampion, Margrat_Maclean and 2 people reacted
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I'll do this too! I don't think I've ever encountered someone I did not enjoy RPing with here. I love you all!

Poe: You crack me up. Every time he comes around talking about his rat scheme I die.

Thalia: I love Beth and Thalia's friendship! And how Thalia not so secretly judges all of Beth's disorganization/hoarding.

Orla: She always makes me smile! She's the cutest little cook/seamstress with a temper! 

Landon: Beth and Landon are so cute together! And he's so funny. 

Margrat: I love her! She's so brassy and bold! 

Persephone: I like that Beth and her are getting to know each other better. Healer squad! 

Charisma: I love the pretty golden lady! And I really enjoyed the lecture Charisma did! I was just as hooked on the story as Beth was. 

Levison: So serious, yet so funny and punny! I always enjoy having conversations with him. 

Staff: You guys are amazing. I know this is supposed to be RP kudos, but thank you all so much for putting up with me and my constant questions and for all the hard work you do! 

I love you even if you're not on this list! <3

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Wow! That was quite the show! (And we even had popcorn for real, lol!)

Miles: The Master of Insults! Oh, my word, you are so infuriatingly skilled at pushing my buttons that I legit really, really, REALLY wanted to get Miles killed off after that scene! xD (Just for a couple of hours until I had cooled down, lol.) You are a fantastically talented roleplayer!

Emeraude: Ever cool and collected, Emeraude has all the poise (and poison) of the most exquisitely elegant serpent. Kudos to you for always playing her straight in any and every situation!

Thalia: Thalia was actually surprisingly quiet during this scene, but as always, you do a great job of having her argue her point of view with logic and dogged persistence. I loved how she kept starting to say things and then changing her mind. And how she responded to Emeraude's glances at her. Really nice touches!

Bruno: I love Bruno so much! His wise and quiet comments can move more mountains than any number of insults could. Especially for someone as stubborn as Margrat!

Samir, Persephone, Isabelle, and Orla: Thank you all so much for the hilarity that ensued! It was such a stitch, and also a much-needed bit of comic relief after the previous very intense and long rp scene.

     I love this thread! It's such a good way to break the tension and remind each other that we're all in this together to create stories, to rp and to have fun! No matter how much we piss off each other's characters, (or even each other, lol) it's great to be able to look back and see what cool plots, character relationships, character developments and memories we've made! Keep being awesome, everybody!!! =D


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Also a HUGE shout out to Poe!! You need to be recognized, so ta-da, here's your first RP Kudos! You play Poe so well as both so hilarious and sometimes so annoying! You've made me laugh out loud, and pacepalm in irritation. Sometimes at the same time! I love Poe so much, I love having him be frequently out and about in town and the outlands, and I hope that you have fun in this game and that you stay active and keep playing for a long time! Welcome to AoE! =)

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Kudos to Santiago for the nice, chill rp with her and Margrat late last night! It was really fun getting to know Santiago a little better! =)

It was also fun getting to take a laid-back walk around the outlands with Margrat, Orla and Persephone.

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I wanted to resurrect this to give a shout out to a few solids. 

Steve - You're such a neat mix of chill and philosophical. 

Toddia - Loving this girl talk and blossoming friendship. 

Selene - I love your depth, the story is so good!

Beth - We haven't gotten to play much recently but your letters are so sweet!!

Idris - <3 Last night was so beautiful. I was left legitimately breathless IRL. 

Toddia and Idris reacted
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Just showing some OOC love.

Miles - Adore your character ICly and OOCly. You are so quick witted. You rival my own OOC wits and I love that. 

Beth - You truly are Rinascita's sweetheart. You are just as lovely OOC as your character is and I've enjoyed getting to know both of you more.

Elle - The yin to Toddia's yang. I've love watching their two walks of life merge into their friendship and sisterhood.

Landon - You give good banter when needed and always offer protection when the scene calls for it.

Trevyn - I enjoy each moment you pop in, and the effort you put into your RP no matter how little time you can spend on it. Look forward to seeing you more often. 

Steve - I like how you are so laid back, and give the best "one liners" without even trying.

Percival - The man behind the scroll. Even though I don't see you in person, you've always been so kind and friendly. I need to hunt you down in game more to RP in character with you.

Alexander - Hope you are enjoying your stay here, and I look forward to getting to know you more.

Draz - It's rare that I meet with you, but every scene makes up for it. Love Drazie to death!

Maena - Miss RPing with you. You've always been supportive and I enjoyed our scenes together

To anyone else who I might have overlooked, any interaction with anyone has been enjoyable and keeps me coming back for more.

Percy, Miles and Alexander reacted
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