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RP Kudos

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Salvatore Costello
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Thalia - Unique, fun, engaging character who always invites/extends RP.  That has to be the benchmark of kudos for any RP game.

Charisma - Full of surprises and RP and unexpected guidance.

Gus - No shortage of confidence, always up for RP.

Levison - Willing to take chances in RP, lots of depth to his stories - especially the cloak!

Orla - Thanks for sharing much more than just the char's seamstressing side!

Trevyn & Morven - Definitely RP their consulate's interests loyally and fiercely, which creates lots of RP!

Emmaline & Nicolas - Create a seemingly accurate Frenchly "air" and are frequently available at their events

Margrat - This char definitely has a role, presence and impact on other characters.

More to come based on next week's RP...


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Kudos to Tara, Margrat, Toddia, and Isabelle for some great RP last night! Those ghost stories were extra spooky and that was a lot of fun!

"One hairdresser does not an olive branch make" -Archduke Alonzo

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Soooo I'm trying to wait a few days between these because you all give me such amazing rp <3 So from this last week -

Margrat - I loved that scene and all the emotional and tension-y rp we've been having lately.  Way to play your character true and real. Its super interesting watching her go through it all

Ava - It's been so good to see you playing out and about more.  I loved every interaction and I can't wait for more. Especially this morning.  And the stove bit <3

Jean - As always you had me cracking up.  I love all the interactions we get. You make it super fun to play with you. And I love the pen pal bit.  Like a lot.

Salvatore - You have me not only cracking up ic and ooc but also getting and thinking and puzzle-y.  Thank you for always being willing to play with me even if its only for a moment.  I love the pieces of back story you drop

Salazar - Looooooved the tension and the loop around.  Can't wait to see more

Orla - Your sass <3 And your memory.  You make me laugh every day

Sephy - I lurve you ic so so much.  That mouth though <3 You make everything super real and dimensional.  I love the depth you give your character

Savion -Super complex and mysterious character.  You totally try to balance it back and fourth

Gus - The scene at the consulate <3 Loved it ooc.  Super tension-y

Alonzo - I don't think I will ever not love a scene with you.  I love learning more about your story and watching you turn from hard-ass to real human


To everyone else - Diego, Trevyn, Gen, Aldur, Lacey, Toddia, Isabelle, Pascual, Samir, Callum, Emiliana and anyone else I might have missed cause I know I totally did - Thank you for making this city feel real. I appreciate you all so much <3


And to the staffers - I will never be able to say thank you enough.  Thank you for all the behind the scenes and in front of them work that you do.  I look forward to all the future stories and things


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Ooooh I have some, I have some!


Thalia: As always you're bright light in all rp no matter how hard or easy the rp is, you make everything a hundred times better.

Salvatore: You're hilarious and I appreciate that you're more than just a one dimensional character. Story time was so much fun.

Margrat: You're just funny overall even if Orla and Margrat doesn't always agree, I legit laugh in every scene with you at least once.

Diego: I enjoy that he is still around and doing things despite all the stuff that happened with him. I appreciate players who stick it out even if rp is not easy. Not all rp will always be sunshine and rainbows either due to our own actions or the actions of others. Either way, it makes the game more interesting to have tense moments and disagreements. I wanted to give a kudos to you as a char and player!

Orla: You are just absolutely gorgeous, talented, and just perfect overall. I am honored I as a player to get to play you. Even if your cooking is horrible.

Gus: I almost forgot that scene at the Consulate lol! Even though Orla was ready to punch you in the face, I was oocly laughing at him. He is certainly a character, I'll say that.

Sephy: I love how Sephy and Orla are almost always thinking the same thing, almost. It could be because Orla is also an alien who weaseled into Sephy's brain. <3

Alonzo: Lol that scroll he sent Orla took me out, I think they're both a little disturbed when it comes to writing so it made me giggle.

Emeraude: I looove Eme so much and I love that Eme's daughter will likely be the one to murder Orla after she survived so much.

Germans: We spoke oocly about this before, I do love how you stick to your guns ig when it comes to their religion. I have been a long time fan of this period time, so it's exciting to actually rp it. Please know that I never have any issues oocly and I entirely enjoy how you do your rp even if Orla doesn't! Thanks for adding depth to this game and playing on the theme.

Okay I'm tired, but everyone is great 🙂 Except babies and loud pets. <3

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I'll give this a shot..Everyone..You are all NUTS and that's what makes this game great, not really sure what every single one of you will do on a moments notice. Thank you all for keeping me on my toes trying to react while I am either just staring shocked at the screen or laughing my butt off.

Huge kudos to the story gods, I know you are under stress from everything behind the scenes and having to deal with all of us on a daily basis. You honestly are doing an amazing job and we all thank you for that. Keep up the awesome work. I can't wait to see what comes next.

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This counts as a few days, right? 


Jean - I've completely loved their scenes lately and I adore that they are still doing the letters things.  It really is the cutest thing ever to me

Orla - You legit have me cracking up every day still.  I love her sass and playfulness.  I love that she has flaws and is always just 100% her

Ava - Playing with you is as always amazing. I love our run ins and tea time

Trevyn and Diego - Its so nice to see you out and about more! Our scenes are never long but I do enjoy and appreciate him

Faust - Hella good - as always.  I enjoy our interactions and learning more about your char and appreciate it when you try to help keep the room alive

Salvatore - Sal is always full of surprises.  I loved the little wine scene last night and almost every scene

Sephy - I love how very and completely real Sephy is.  She keeps me on my toes and wanting more

Emmaline - I adore every scene with you <3  I look forward to Monday just because I know you'll be at the meetings


To everyone else I rped with but didn't mention - Thank you so much.  Each scene adds something to my day and I enjoy every moment ooc <3<3<3

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Special thanks to everyone who came out to Tea Time. That was really fun and it was great to see you all! Fred, Thalia, Faust, Trevyn, Margrat you guys are all great! 


Double kudos to Fred for the great little scene we had earlier when he was getting a shave, that really brightened my day! 


Double kudos to Margrat and Trevyn for the intense scene we got into after the Tea Party. I love how well thought out Margrat is and how she always gets the RP rolling!

"One hairdresser does not an olive branch make" -Archduke Alonzo

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Look!  I actually did wait a few days this time -

Sephy - I have loved talking things over with you ic and trying to figure out all the stuff.  I loved how defensive you got of your puppy and watching you interact with Samir <3

Samir - I high-key love your snark every time. I don't know why I'm surprised by it every time but thank you so much for playing such a well rounded character. 

Jean - Your emotes are sometimes what I aspire to be when I grow up.  Your rp always fits the scene so well and I love how engaged you are.  Jean is legit one of my favorites

Ava - I loved getting to play with you this morning.  Thank you so much for engaging with me and for your completely ic and on point responses.  Looking forward to tea time <3

Salazar - Thanks.  I hate it.  <3 You play a super good person I love to hate and I know how hard that can be.  Thank you for your effort.

Emeraude - Your character legit scares me a little ooc.  But in a good way?  I love how tough she is and how she is never anyone else but herself.  I also like how she compliments almost nothing cause it makes them so much better when she does.  I can still feel her lingering sadness and I love you for making my heart hurt <3

Faust - Hella good, as always.  I love your characters banter and how you are always up to engage with anyone or whatever scene we are playing that night. 

Alonzo - Thank you for all your depth and stories.  Every time I play with you I get to see another little piece and I adore that.  It makes your character real and gray and I love getting to see where it's going.

Lacey - Thank you so much for your little events.  I completely adore them and the discussions them encourage  before, during and after. You are super engaging and a amazing host


This is a long list already so I'm going to stop here. But a lot of little kudos to Salvatore, Trevyn, Aldur, Diego, Margrat, Erik, Emmaline, Nico, Orla, Genvieve and anyone else I might have missed in my exhaustion <3


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Hiiiii! It's been awhile and I'm sure I forgot some people so if I didn't list you please know I probably loved our rp eiher way<3


Eme - It's been super interesting not just seeing your character as the scary lady who Thalia is mildly sure might cut her or kind of of smile. I love seeing all the different sides of her <3

Ava - I love your weekly teas and appreciate the little moments you pop out!  It's often brighter with that character around

Matteo - Was so nice to see you around again and I love how you're playing your character since coming back.  Everyone loves watching a char trying to redeem themselves!

Jean - I love, love, loved getting to know your character better.  I love how he can switch from silly and dramatic to deeper chats.  He continues to prove to be a deep and multi-faceted character. And those letters <3  So cute. 

Orla - I always love your rp.  Your character is super sassy and fun but I also appreciate all the hard work you put into the game ooc.  Creating outfits and spending your time waiting for energy is super sweet!

Kilana - I loved our scene last night <3 Your emotes were on point and I loved the way you rped with Salazar

Salazar - You a skeevy man.  Thank you for being able to play such a horrible not horrible person

Faust - I always love the banter you bring to the game and adore getting to dip below the surface with your char.  It's always super interesting to learn more of his back story.  Hella good

Gus - Interactions with you are always dramatic and interesting.  Super kudos for you for being able to keep doing that

Genvieve - It was so nice to see you around more and I like how Gen's working on her accent!  Make's her more real

Daelys - It was a really good scene and super nice getting to play with you.  I hope to get to do it more

Alonzo - You are such a deep and interesting character.  I both hate and adore your backstory.  You make my heart all squishy and I can't wait to learn more and enjoy each chance I get to play with you

Sephy - I love her realness, sass and kindness.  You are always up for playing with me and Sephy's comments always keep me ooc.  I love you reasonable your char is and how she is always down to try and help Thalia's silly brain


Again, if I forgot anyone from the big list it's probably just because it's gotten to long.  Diego, Aldur, Trevyn, Valeria, Dieter,Maena, Margrat, Savion, Ysadora, Tara, Dario, Nicolas, Matthais, know....just everyone <3  I love every chance to get to play with each one of you <3 I can't wait see where this weeks rp brings us.  Soooooo excited for the drama of court.

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A super duper big shout out to all the staff involved in yesterdays scene, both the rp and whatever had to be done behind the scene to get it ready.  It was thrilling and interesting to watch.  I completely loved it <3


And since both things were mentioned - a giant thank you for the 'doctrine' laws and to any who helped with that.  It was really interesting to look at <3


And a huge, enormous giant thank you pre-preemptively for the upcoming wilderness.  I am beyond excited to see all of your hard work and  i know it must have been ages of effort.  Thank you so much for all you do <3 I see it and I appreciate it.  <3

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That was really cool last night!

I second Thalia in saying thanks to all of staff for putting in so much work and making it possible. I think a double thank you to staff is also in order for dedicating their time to bettering the play experience of all of us and prepping so many goodies on the horizon, I know we're all really excited for the outlands! 

Thanks to all the players for coming out too, I know I didn't have time to stick around and chit chat afterwards (I really wish I had) but it was great to see so many people on and catch a few of you that I've been missing a bunch <3

"One hairdresser does not an olive branch make" -Archduke Alonzo

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Double posts in one day but Arafel and Olaf meeting was pretty much the best thing ever and I <3 both of those characters so much. I could shower you both with kudos forever, you guys are the best. 

"One hairdresser does not an olive branch make" -Archduke Alonzo

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I third Thalia (second Ava?) in giving a big shout out to all of the staff for their meticulous work in making Royal Court absolutely awesome! I also want to give a huge thanks to staff for all of the countless hours of labor they've put into this game, and especially for creating the Outlands and having it ready to release in time for the Royal Hunt! I am so excited I am practically going nuts! You guys are amazing, and all of the love you put into this game really shows!

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A ginormous thank you to staff again.  Tonight was truly amazing <3 Thank you for responding to the bugs so quickly and all the hard work <3


A also hug thank you to Alonzo,Emeraude, Faust, Gus, Orla and Savion - Tonight's scenes were not only filled with back story and multidimensional moments but were also super entertaining.  Thank you for all the fun <3 <3 <3


Also a quick thank you to miriam, Gen, Diego, Ava, Gus again for the earlier scene at the plaza. I got busy at work towards the end but I really enjoyed it <3

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Diego, Gen, Margrat, Bruno, Trevyn, Gus, Isabelle. Last night was insane and I was laughing so hard I couldn't even type half the time. Poor Ava is traumatized but it was totally worth it. 

Shout out to Matteo as well! 

"One hairdresser does not an olive branch make" -Archduke Alonzo

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