Last seen: May 9, 2024
Fireplaces, woodstoves, fire pits, and ovens have emits again.
Money sent or received via promissory notes will now appear in pay recall for both parties upon cashing the note.
GUIDELINES AND RULES FOR ALT INTERACTIONS To clarify confusion about alt abuse rules and interacting with your alternate (alt) characters and pr...
- Alternative Marriage Name Changes: 50 STPs To accommodate the storylines that involve marriage outside the immediate game world Catholic Church, w...
A brief recap of the announcements from this assembly of the Royal Court: - Due to the rising costs of upkeep, security, infrastructure maintenance,...
You can now label most books. Syntax: label my book 'Label
*brought to the front by a little page boy*
Hairstylists can now cut and shape nails using scissors and a nail file, respectively. Smiths are able to make nail files.
PERSONAL NPC PROPS - 300 STPs Given names and appearances like PCs, these adult NPC props come equipped with some controls to make life easy (smile,...
Christmas trees got an update! We no longer offer generic evergreen trees, but five different varieties at five different prices. Additional decor...
You will find mounds of snow sporadically placed around the game world. You can FORM the mound, and get a snowball. You should absolutely throw that s...