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Still Alive

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Hi everyone!

Wanted you all to know I am not gone just in and out at the moment.  I have some big changes in my life right now and one of them is moving to a new place.  My husband's Aunt Janet died during this Covet stuff from a kidney infection in the nursing home, following her, after two weeks, was my mother-in-law who was her twin sister.  She too died of complications of a kidney infection.  Weird, I know!  But both left us somethings that they wanted us to have badly.  One of these things was his Aunt's condo.  We will be taking possession of it in the second week in July.  


It was sad how this happen, but it was also a blessing as we needed a fresh start.  This place is all one floor no stairs, which improves my quality of life and it is all handicap accessible.  But anyways, we will be moving second week in July and there is much we have to do to get to that point.  So right now I am dealing with stress, health and getting these things done as well.  I am blessed with a wonderful family who are all helping to make sure we get this.  My sister-in-law is working over time to see to it that the place has new flooring and is painted and that all the furniture is clean and ready.   She is awesome!  So folks bare with me I will be in and out and might be days coming in.  But once settled and in my new home, I will be on more often again.  Love you all and wanted to let you know I am not forgetting you all.     

Estimable Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 150

Yay Tara I am so glad you are still going to play AOE! I am so sorry for your losses, but I'm really happy for you that you're getting a new place that's really good for you. Be well and best of luck with the move! We all love you and can't wait to see you back on more more often! <3<3<3

Trusted Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 81

I second Margrat! We all love you Tara <3 *hugs*



"One hairdresser does not an olive branch make" -Archduke Alonzo
