Last seen: Oct 22, 2024
A small full-figured woman hands a dull strawberry to Sir Faust.Sir Faust offers his dull strawberry to you.You take a dull strawberry from Sir Faust....
I can provide stone masonry goods and various forms of arts such as painting and music to those who are interested. Isabelle Lopez
Dec 29 1602 The Spanish Consulate will be holding our next meeting on January fifth at six in the evening. All who are interested in seeking members...
I posted this in the game's discord, but for those who aren't a member (and why not?) may read and reply as it applies to you. Hello everyone. I’m t...
*pulled to the front*
Just a reminder that this will be Saturday May twenty first at the ninth late hour. The theme is a spring floral. Come and celebrate a social night of...
Our next meeting is Friday May 6 at the ninth and a half late hour.
Thank you to all that attended last night. Left over food will be at the Soup Kitchen for those who get hungry.
*Brought forward*
Just following the trend
*Brought to the front* Under new leadership of Ambassador Pablo, we are now seeking new members and offering sponsorships to those who seek it. ...
Came across this song today, and while it's not a complete "character theme song", it made me think of Belle. As does most of Lana Del Rey's music doe...
Thalia encourages Santiago, "Let me pet it!"